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This site is all about everything I find funny. It's like my own personal online magazine. I'm no heat or hello kind of girl, in fact I really couldn't give a ...(save that kind of language for the rest of the site) what the celebrities are up to.

As for beauty advice I stay up late, smoke and drink far too much caffeine to ever have that perfect complexion.  Food is defiantly for the eating not smearing all over your face. (unless your in a rush or trying out 9 and 1/2 weeks.) No not a Cosmo girl.

O.k. it's nothing like a magazine, more of a comic. You will learn nothing here and it's all a bit of a waste of time, that's if you  call laughing a waste of time. The world would be a much better place if we all laughed a little more. So there you go I'm doing my bit to save the world.

The index link above will take you to a more descriptive list of the pages I have on my site. If you like a laugh there is plenty to keep you here for a while longer yet. I am updating all the time so why not bookmark me and come back to visit soon.

Why caffienequeen? I here you ask, Why not? Caffeine is after all probably the main reason for this sites existence. Although it pains me to admit it I drink far too much coffee, and what pains me even more is having to accept that it is plausibly 90% responsible for me not sleeping too well at night time.

The idea for starting my own web site has been buzzing around in my head for a long time now. Up until now a serious lack of knowledge is what has always stopped me from progressing any further.

Recently I found the MSN spaces. I set about creating my own space and found that it wasn't as hard as I first thought it would be. Through my MSN space I have acquired a basic knowledge of using html code, and now with this 250 Free site I am learning how to advance that knowledge.

My biggest problem seems to be content. I have absolutely no idea what to design my web site about. For now I have decided as a married, working, insomniac mother of two children. That I would approach this in the same way I approach life... ...and WING IT!

After all I might as well be doing something constructive while the rest of you are asleep.

Throughout this site there are many images that you may take for yourself to use, as most are not mine to begin with. However please right click and save as... to your own hard drive as you are not permitted to hot link from this site. Thank you

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