This is a heading

This menu was created from Benefit from IT (Internet Archive) and Kryogenix and the sites listed there. One major problem I had when designing the code is that Microsoft's Internet Explorer does not understand the CSS code position: fixed; A Google search found the Tagsoup (Internet Archive) site and so that code was incorporated into my pages too.

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text

This is lots of text