Air Travel | American Indians | Art | Astronomy | Bristol | Business | Chat | Clipart | Computer Security | Computer Shops | DW Canoe Race | DVDs | Earth Mysteries | Environment | Flags | Fonts | FoxPro | Free Stuff | Friends | Games | Games (online) | Genealogy | Gory | Greetings Cards | Health | History | Humour | Indiana | I Q Tests | ISPs & Telcos | Mac Stuff | Maps | Maths | Maths History | Miscellaneous | Music | NBC | Nursery Rhymes | Optical Illusions | Patriotism | People Finders | Photography | Programming | QBasic | Rail Travel | Royal Navy | Science | Screen Savers | Search Engines | SIRDS | Software | SQL | Terre Haute | Time | UK / International Freight / Parcel Delivery | United Kingdom | US Immigration | Video | Web Stuff | Windows Stuff | Words
Links to other sites :-
This page is of links to other sites that I have found on the net that are favourites of mine. The only criteria I have used is that they have either been useful or have amused me.
I hadn't originally planned on doing a links page. When I first published this site I registered it with six major search engines - five months later, only one (UK Plus) is showing this site properly. Of the others I can't find this site on four of them and the other - if I type in Optical Illusions I get sites about Fibre Optics before my pages on Optical Illusions. If I'm having this sort of trouble then I'm sure other people are. Also, most of these sites were either recommended to me, I found them by accident or I followed links from other pages to them. These are the reasons this page was written.
The net has become very commercialised. One of the most annoying things about this is the number of pop-up ads that are now appearing. Even worse are those pop-ups that contain no title bar or won't let you right click and close them. To me they are self defeating as I won't use those sites at all. I feel so strongly about this that sites that use them aren't listed here.
Why have so many sites now decided to use frames? True, they can look "cool" but they completely mess up the site navigation. I'll settle for content over flashiness any day. One of my hosts, Lycos UK, in June 2003, started putting an ad frame on the pages, it completely messed up my bookmarks. The ads are supplied by Google. Whilst trying to find something about frames and bookmarks I found this on a Google help page "Google supports frames to the extent that it can. Frames tend to cause problems with search engines, bookmarks, emailing links and so on, because frames don't fit the conceptual model of the web (every page corresponds to a single URL)." The same search engine (Google) also found this "frames held together with hemp twine tied and glued in square knots" - but that's really an entry for a craft site.
You'll notice that some of the links, on this page and others, have asterisks by them. I use Xenu's Link Sleuth to search the site for broken links. Sometimes a site may not be available for technical reasons, like the server being down, so rather than remove the link straight away I'll mark it with an asterisk. I'll try and find the site if it has moved, but if a site is unavailable on subsequent times I check it, then I'll remove the link.
About Specific Tribal or Nation Resources
American Indian Histories at Manataka
American Issues Index at First Nations
Miami Documents at the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology
Native American Culture at Great Dreams
Native Languages of the Americas
Tribal Names at On This Date by Phil Konstantin
Eric Cumini -Tromp l'oeil artist
Angel Harris Collection - A bizarre website
Delta Blocks - In the vein of Escher and other mathematical pictures
M. C. Escher - A list of sites about Escher and his work
Front Room - One of the most unusual galleries ever. Based in Totterdown, Bristol
Graphicatta - Tromp l'oeil artist
Richard Haas - Tromp l'oeil artist
J. D. Hillberry - Tromp l'oeil artist
Hop's Gallery - In the vein of Escher and other mathematical pictures
Alan King - Surreal artist
Rainer Maria Latzke - Tromp l'oeil artist
Paul Montgomery - Tromp l'oeil artist
Sandro del Prete - His home pages
John Pugh - Tromp l'oeil artist
Janet Shearer - Tromp l'oeil artist
Stuckism - I like these peoples outlook
Surrealism - A list of sites
Mary Sue Weeks - Tromp l'oeil artist
Paul Wright - Tromp l'oeil artist
Astronomy Picture of the Day - Another great site, take a look at this photo of the Earth at Night - an astronomers website
Hubble Space Telescope pictures
Space - Take a look at this fantastic photo of Earth at Night from this site
Some of my favourite sites about the City of Bristol
@ Bristol - The @ Bristol entertainment centre
@UK - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
1330 - The story of a bus made at Bristol Commercial Vehicles in Brislington
1 in 8 - Community education site and much more (not working 28th April 2002)
1st Take Video - Videos on local history
250000 - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
About Bristol - A pictorial tour of Bristol
About Britain : Bristol - Places to visit, places to stay
About England SW - A collection of business and hobby links to sites about the SW of England
A-History Group - History of Mangotsfield, Downend, Staple Hill and surrounding areas
Ambra Books - local antiquarian book seller
Andrew McArthy's Homepage - A lot of information about Bristol
Axbridge Caving Group - this site contains some nice articles and photos on Redcliffe Caves
Best Hotels - Where to stay in Bristol
Bradley Stoke - Community website
Bridging Europe - Information about the Clifton Suspension Bridge, the site also contains a video of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge.
Brislington Community Partnership
Brislington Ghosts and Legends - A new book by Ken Taylor
Bristol + Bath - What's on in Bristol and Bath
Bristol 2008 - Bristol's bid to be the European Capital of Culture
Bristol Aero Collection - The story of aviation in Bristol
Bristol Bulletin Boards at the Evening Post
Bristol Area Family Genealogy - Personal family genealogy sites covering the Bristol area
Bristol & Avon Family History Society - A genealogy site
Bristol Astronomical Society - by my mate Andy
Bristol Blue Glass USA - I don't usually include commercial sites, but this is, as far as I know, the only US importer
Bristol Books and Publishers - A consortium of independent Bristol publishers and not just books about Bristol
Bristol Cathedral - A history and tour
Bristol Connect - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
The Bristol Evening Post - Our local evening newspaper, check out the Ex-Pats forum
Bristol Ex-Pats - MSN forum
Bristol Family History Research Guide - A genealogy site
Bristol Hashers - a drinking club with a running problem, social jogging for the unfit, slightly fit and nearly fit
Bristol History Email Group - We try to answer peoples queries on the history of Bristol
Bristol Index - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Bristol Indymedia - Online alternative newspaper
Bristol Information - Aspects of Bristol History and Genealogy
Bristol in Roman Times - An excellent site about Roman Bristol
Bristol Link - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Bristol Local Education Authority
Bristol Online - A searchable collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Bristol Plus Bath - A searchable collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Bristol Search - A searchable collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Bristol Taxi Driver - Mike Maddock's home pages
Bristol Threatened History Society - Helping to save and record our history
Bristol Times - Bristol Evening Post's look at the history of Bristol
Bristol Tours - A tour of Redcliffe Caves - what Alan doesn't know about these caves isn't worth knowing
Bristol URBAN Programme - Community led regeneration
Bristol Views - Views and maps of Bristol
Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works - Bristol based steam and early petrol engine manufacturers
Bristol Web - All sorts of interesting stuff, website links, stories, pictures etc.
Bristols United - A site about Bristol and Bristols around the world
British Empire and Commonwealth Museum
Broadcast Books - an independent, Bristol-based publisher of local interest titles
BS8 Guide - Web links for West Bristol
Chronological Outline of the History of Bristol - from a book published in 1824
ChurchCrawler - Churches from around the world, with pages about those of Bristol
Civvy Street in WWII - Tom Fletcher's memories of wartime Bristol
Clifton Suspension Bridge - Our famous suspension bridge
Concorde - The world's first and only supersonic passenger aircraft
Discover United Kingdom - A regional directory of the UK
Digital Bristol - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites - Pete's web site, nice photos of Bristol
Emmersons Green - Community website
Essence of Bristol - Links and articles about Bristol
First Line - Bristol's bus service
Fishponds Local History Society - Another wonderful site about Bristol's history
Fishponds On-Line - Fishponds community site - Some nice photos of Bristol
Front Room - One of the most unusual galleries ever. Based in Totterdown, Bristol
Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Partnership
History of Kingswood Forest - This site is much more than this and covers a great deal of the East Bristol area
History 4 You - Bristol Historical Research & Temple Local History Group website
Images of England - English Heritage, National Monuments Record site
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Contains passenger lists of ships leaving Bristol
Itchy Bristol - What's on in Bristol
Jack in the Green - Welcomes spring into the city
Jeff Knaggs Homepage - Family genealogy for Knaggs / Reece / Rundle, lots of references to Bristol
Lawmen - Bristol's Wild West show team
Lesley Aitchison - local antiquarian book seller
Living Easton - Community site and a history of Easton
Long Ashton - Community site
Lycos - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Malago Society - The local history group of south-west Bristol
Malago Valley Conservation Group
Martyn's Mix - A Bristolians site, some photos of Bristol
Mathematicians born in Bristol
Matthew of Bristol - The replica of Cabot's ship Matthew
Methodist Church - Bristol District : John Wesley's Chapel
Mines of the Bristol and Somerset Coalfield
Naked Guide to Bristol - A guide book to the city and more
National Express - Coach travel to and from Bristol
Net1000 - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Newfoundland Heritage - The early voyages of discovery by Bristol sailors
Oingo : Bristol - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
OnLine Highways : Bristol - Places to visit, places to stay
Open Directory Project - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Past & Present Press - Local book publishers
Past & Present Publications - Local calendars and more
Peter Hodge's Genealogy Research - this page contains a very good photo of a wrecked ship, the Emigrant, in Avon Gorge
Pirate Walks - Blackbeard and lots about Bristol too!
Princess Caraboo - From a descendant of the family!
Rachel Trench is a writer whose story, Revelation is set in Bristol
Really Useful Bristol - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Riot - The 1831 Reform Riot
Riots - Up to the Bristol Bridge riot of 1793
Scrumpy and Western - everything about local bands
Sheptess - The website of Mike Smith, a fellow Bristolian
The Source - British Holy Wells and Springs, contains those in Bristol and surrounding areas
Sugar in Bristol - The sugar trade in Bristol
Taylor History - A very interesting history of the Taylor family
That Be Bristle - Bristol's own satirical paper - very funny
Three Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol
University of the West of England
Venue - What's on in Bristol
Victorian & Edwardian Photographs - This is another site by Roger Vaughan and contains a list of Bristol photographers from 1852 to 1972
Views of Bristol not usually found on postcards - Some interesting views of Bristol
Visit Bristol - Bristol Tourism and Conference Bureau site
Westcountry Books - Local book publishers
Western Daily Press - Our local daily newspaper
What's on Bristol - What's on in Bristol
William Spickett - A young Bristolian's life and death in WWI
Workhouse - includes a history of Bristol's workhouses (look under both Somerset and Gloucestershire)
Young Immigrants to Bristol - This site has an interesting piece about children sent to Canada from Bristol
How a Bristol building found its way to Portmeirion, Wales
American Institute for Managing Diversity
Business for Social Responsibility
So far I haven't found a site that offers Voice Chat between Macs and PCs
AOL AIM - another good chat program
Wacky B - Covers most messenger services and has a good forum
Yahoo Messenger - My favourite, chat rooms, voice chat, web cams and more
Lots of these sites seem to have more than their fair share of ads and some of the pages seem very slow to load but you should be able to find what you are looking for
http:'/ - a huge listing of clipart sites
Cyber Angels - now run by the Guardian Angels
Wired Patrol - formerly CyberAngels
Computer hardware / software shops
Despite all the online shops and services I still prefer to buy from 'proper' shops - at least you can have the satisfaction of burning their premises down if they don't deliver the goods !! In Bristol we have a branch of Special Reserve, it's well worth checking their web sites for the latest prices / special offers. - Special Reserves' web site
Devizes to Westminster Canoe Race
International Canoe and Kayak Marathon
In June 2001 I bought a DVD player, a Samsung 612. I'm not really interested in changing the region code of the player (I use Power DVD) but I wanted to find a way of capturing clips to an AVI or MPEG file.
Digital Digest - Anything and everything to do with DVDs
Nicky Pages' Digital Solutions
VCD Help - Anything and everything to do with DVDs
Facade - Tarot, Biorythyms, even fortune telling by lawyers
Museum of Unnatural History - everything paranormal
Parascope - everything paranormal
Stone Pages - A guide to megalithic Europe
University of Strathclyde - Geography
3D Flags - Animated flags of the world
American Flag and Gift - although a commercial site it contains a lot of facts and useful images
Animated Flags - animated flags of the world
Betsy Ross and the American Flag from
Drawing the Union Jack Accurately
Flag Day - a history of the US flag
Flagline - a commercial site, more of use if you want to purchase a flag
Flag Institute - a huge site about the flags of the world
Flags of the World - a huge, useful site
Guide to American Flags from the University of Oklahoma College of Law - lots of historical information on this site
History of the Union Jack from the British Monarchy official website
Hornswoggled - an alternative to the familiar US flag?
Making of the Union Jack from English Customs and Traditions by Woodlands Junior School
Sons of the Revolution in California - a huge site with a history of American flags
Unofficial American Flag Homepage
US Flag History from Bob Hunt's Home Page
US Flag History from the California Regiment of Young Marines
US Flags from Vexillology - the study of flags site
World Flag Database - a huge site
I use FoxPro a lot, I've found it more memory and disk space efficient than
Access or Excel.
FoxPro resources are pretty thin on the ground, here's some of the best I've found
Dr Thomas Hicks of Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. An excellent site with all sorts of links and tutorials, including some on FoxPro, web design and JavaScript.
All sorts of freebies on these sites
Links to the sites of my friends and colleagues
Andrew's Site - my friend Andy's site
Glenn Adams - Glenn is a fellow Bristolian, now living in Canada. These are his paintings
Emulators - want to play old games or games from different platforms? This About site has a good list of sites where you can get them
Solitaire Central - lots and lots of solitaire games
These sites contain a selection of games that can be played across the internet
Genealogy in Indiana - About list of sites
Bristol Area Family Genealogy - Personal family genealogy sites covering the Bristol area
Bristol & Avon Family History Society - A genealogy site
Cyndi's list - a huge site of genealogy resourses - lists of genealogy sites
GENUKI - UK genealogical resource
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Contains passenger lists of ships leaving Bristol
Jeff Knaggs Homepage - Family genealogy for Knaggs / Reece / Rundle, lots of references to Bristol
Marj's Place - Lots of information about immigrants to Canada
Peter Hodge's Genealogy Research
Ships List - From the Old World to the New
WARNING the sites in this category contain articles, pictures and links to other sites that a lot of people really wouldn't want to see. DO NOT go to these sites unless you are broadminded. Personally, I find them fascinating, but not at meal times.
Electronic greetings cards
Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education - all things to do with the East
British Association for Local History - also has some very useful links - history in general, with links to other sites
Library of Congress - A huge site, full of interesting information - a history of Vietnam, the war and humanitarian aid
Annals of Improbable Research - The weird and whacky world of scientific research
Bamdad's Math Comics - Sadly, now gone but you can read the copyright infringement notice!
Bob and Tom Show - My first visit to the US was a fly drive around California. We found the Bob and Tom show on the radio and it was so funny we often had to stop the car to listen properly. This is their website.
BunnyLand - this is a warped site, visit BunnyHell or Skewered on the Picket Fence!
Christine's Arty Fun Emporium - A nice collection of jokes and cartoons
Darwin Awards - Celebrate the theory of evolution by commemorating the remains of those who improved our gene pool by removing themselves from it in really stupid ways.
Doc's Pages - Jokes, funny pictures, this site's got something for everyone.
Extra Bad - A collection of Flash cartoons, check out Block Death
Fade To Black - Very funny, but may cause offense if you are religious. See Ask Susan for details.
Flow Go - A collection of funny sites
Fun LOL - A collection of funny stuff
Funnies - some very funny articles here
How to be Obnoxious in French - the title sums this site up
Humorix - Funny spoofs on Microsoft and Linux
JAB TV - As the page says "cutting edge cartoons, flash animations , games, parody songs, fake commercials, celebrity spoofs and political commentary for the simple minded."
Lots of Jokes - Exactly what it says
Meaning of Liff - A very strange dictionary
Nitpickers - Plot, historical, continuity and technical errors in movies
Python Net - Unofficial Monty Python site
Python Online - The nearest I've found to an official site on Monty Python
Send a Friend - Full of allsorts
Spite Magazine - Some weird articles here
Storm Trooper - Not really funny - at least not for the guy this happened to
Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow Torches - Burn out your toaster in the name of scientific research
Urban Legends - Are these stories true? Or are they just porkies?
Viral Chart - The home of outrageous email attachments
Weird Links - An index of bizarre and weird websites
Welcome the the World of ... - a very funny site
The Z-Chip - your mouse can read your mind !!!
See Terre Haute for more sites specific to my new home town
Angel Mounds Indiana State Historic Site
Conner Prairie - a living history museum
Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Indiana Landform Atlas at Landform Atlas of the United States
Indiana University Press - lots of books on Indiana
Inspire - Indiana Virtual Library
US Census Bureau (Indiana)
I.Q. Tests and other Brain Teasers
Some of these sites contain webring links to more puzzles on the Puzzle Ring - links to other IQ and brain teaser pages - the British Mensa puzzle page
With the everchanging state of Internet Service Providers and telecommunication companies here's a few sites to help you choose which is best for you. - I chat to a few people who use MAC's, not the ubiquitous Windows. Some of the software on this site helps us to share files.
Mac World - Includes a forum
Multimaps - this site contains some aerial photos too.
A big hello to those of you from Ivy - try not to tell the Great Maths Goddess you've been using these sites ;-) , and certainly don't tell her you went to the Software section on this page and searched for math, algebra or calculus !!! (She's good so you don't really need to anyway)
Amazing Number Facts - All sorts of things about numbers
Delta Blocks - In the vein of Escher and other mathematical pictures
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section - includes easy and hard puzzle pages
GIMPS - Searching for Mersenne Primes
Hop's Gallery - In the vein of Escher and other mathematical pictures
Introduction to Catalan Numbers
Kryss Tal - a good maths site
Largest Known - The largest known Perfect and Prime numbers
Mathematicians born in Bristol
Pascal's Triangle and its Patterns
Pascal's Triangle and related triangles
Prime Pages - Perfect numbers, Primes and Mersenne Primes
Simpsons Maths - Mathematics on the Simpsons TV cartoon show
Suzanne's Mathematical Lessons
Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols
Institute for History and Foundations in Mathematics
Bartleby - A great reference site
Dr Thomas Hicks of Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. An excellent site with all sorts of links and tutorials, including some on FoxPro, web design and JavaScript.
EARL - Library resource site
Fourmilab - a great site full of science and other stuff
Fortean Times - A magazine of the bizarre
Free Advice - Free legal advice forums
Jim Loy's Homepage - A good collection of stuff here, logic, maths, puzzles, pseudoscience
Shockwave - games, animations and of course, the players
Simply the Best - lots of scripts, programs, fonts and other stuff here
Southern Poverty Law Center - this site also keeps a list of terrorist or suspect groups inside the US
Kemble Kollection - Like my site a mixture of all sorts of subjects, Sutton Coldfield, the Army, The Royal Navy etc. etc.
Truth of Fiction - a site of rumours and whether they are true or false
Web Exhibits - as they say, the highest quality and most interesting exhibits in the internet.
Wedding Anniversaries - What the traditional gifts for each year were and their modern equivilents - Wolverhampton University School of Computing and Information Technology web site. A very good site, especially useful are the links to HTML code, the maths pages, search engine analysis and web bits and pieces (backgrounds, seperator bars, icons etc.)
I've a pretty wide range in musical tastes, here's some links to my favourites, a search using Dogpile or AllTheWeb will bring up more sites, but beware the bloody commercial sites have taken over the search engines. Most are British 70's bands, but that's because I like British 70's bands.
Black Sabbath - Real heavy metal not techno-thrash
Enya - a great vocalist
Jimmy Buffet - My wife loves this man's music, I've got to admit he is quite good
MP3.COM - a proper download site, not like Napster or one of the other P2P sites
Pink Floyd - One of the best bands in the world - ever
Procul Harem - another band from the past but still going strong
Queen - what more needs to be said?
SAHB (Sensational Alex Harvey Band), SAHB Surfers
Stiff Records - one of the best record labels of the 70's and 80's
Teannaich - Scottish Ceilidh band
The Clash - one of the Punk survivors
The Who - no one can touch them
The Wurzels - Great showband from cider country
Tom Petty - I know he's American, but he is good
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare
A Brief History of Porton Down
British Nuclear Test Veterans Association
Not just the rhymes, but the history behind them
(but I think mine is one of the best around)
Art & Illusions - A nice collection of illusions
Der Neandertaler Regiert - A German language site, some very interesting stuff here
Puzzling Place - a live optical illusion and holograph exhibit
I'm as proud to be British as Patty, my wife, is as proud to be American
Around the World with Patriotic Music
British & American Patriotic Songs
Jack's US Traditional & Patriotic Tunes
Popular Songs in American History
Sterling Times - British nostalgia
Top 5 US Patriotic Musical Albums
Top 10 US Patriotic Music Albums
Alumini - worldwide ex-school friend finder
Classmates - US ex-school friend finder
David Axfords Site - Includes an Ex Royal Navy people finder
Ex Forces Network - Ex British Forces people finder
Friends Reunited - UK ex-school friend finder
Highschool Alumini - US ex-school friend finder
Old Oppos - Ex Royal Navy people finder
Vimart - Ex-services and other people finder
Carte-de-Visite Photographs - Site 1 - As with mine this site is on different servers - choose which you like
Carte-de-Visite Photographs - Site 2
Fashion A La Carte - Roger Vaughan's homepage on 19th century photographs
Museum of the History of Science
Photographic Historical Society
Victorian & Edwardian Photographs - This is another site by Roger Vaughan and contains a list of Bristol photographers from 1852 to 1972
Other programming resources can be found under QBasic and Web Stuff
Algorithims - Sorts and Searches
Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems - a great site from NIST with links to code examples
Programmers Heaven - Contains lots of forums and QBasic
Ralf Brown's Interrupt List - A complete list of computer interrupts
Tek Tips - Programmers resources with forums and QBasic
Other programming resources can be found under Programming
About QBasic - A list of good QBasic sites
Basic Users Net - good QBasic source, with a forum
Buff's Quickbasic - Good QBasic and QuickBasic site
Chipmunk Basic - A Basic for the Mac, lots of other QBasic links
Eagle Perch - Contains a good forum
Paladin - lots of QBasic downloads
QBasic Page - good QBasic source, with a forum
This section also contains links to sites dealing with subjects related to my father's time in the Royal Navy
About 20th Century History - history in general, with links to other sites
Arab Net - all things to do with the East
Britain at War - Britain during WWII
British Nuclear Test Veterans Association
Carlos Rufino - Machi served on ARA Independencia
David Axfords Site - Includes an Ex Royal Navy people finder
Defense Journal - Everything military
Ex Forces Network - Ex British Forces people finder
Eyewitness: A North Korean Remembers - a history of Korea and the war
HMS Vanguard - a good site by an ex-crew member
HMS Vanguard - a good site by an ex-crew member
Hyperwar - Hypertext History of WWII
Kemble Collection - Mike Kemble's huge site
Marine Studies and Information Newsgroup - An account of the collision between Gambia and Phoebe by Don Cruikshank
Military.Com - Everything about the US Armed Services
MOD Oracle - A military resource site
Museo de la Aviaci? Naval - Argentinean Naval Aviation (Spanish)
My Royal Canadian Navy - Tom Spowarts life in the Royal Canadian Navy
Naval Ships of Victor Johns - like mine, a site about a father's service
Old Oppos - Ex Royal Navy people finder
Post War Military Aviation - Vic Flintham's excellent site
Red Duster - The British Merchant Navy
Royal Navy - The official site
Tell it to the Marines - Life in the 1950's Royal Marines
VE3FAB - Jerry Proc's site of the Royal Canadian Navy
Vets with a Mission - a history of Vietnam, the war and humanitarian aid
VSC Bulletin Board - Victory Services inter-service information board
World Aircraft Carriers List: Canada
How Stuff Works - exactly what it saysMolecular Expressions - the wonderful world of optical microscopy. What do you get when you mix several billion pounds worth of research and manufacturing resources and a techie with a sense of humour? - Find the section called Silicon Zoo!
National Institute of Standards & Technology
Royal Institution of Great Britain
Science Projects - I received an email from Peter Macinnis who was looking for information on Optical Illusions, this site contains his list of Science Fair and Project ideas. It is more of use to science teachers rather than to us mere mortals.
Screen savers are also available from the software sites, but these are specific sources. When you download them look at the files before you install them as some are Windows Themes rather than plain screen savers and you may find yourself changing more than you bargained for !
Search Engine Watch - Everything you need to know about search engines
Virtual Search Engines - Specialised search engines
Another list of SIRDS programs
Good sources of software (Shareware or free)
For Windows utilities and tips see also under Windows
About SQL - links to SQL sites
Database Journal - Everything to do with managing databases, SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Access, DB2
It seems that everyone in Terre Haute has a website - here's a selection of
See Indiana
for wider issues in the State of Indiana
Action News 10 - includes webcam of Terre Haute
Childrens Science and Technology Museum
Experimental Aviation Association
Haley Tower - Railway history society for the Greater Wabash Valley area
History of Wabash Valley Goodwill Industries
Ivy Tech State College - I'm a student here, so it must be good
Vigo County Historical Society
Daylight Saving Time (Web Exhibit site)
History of legal time in Britain
US Naval Observatory (Time Service Department)
UK / International Freight / Parcel Delivery
UK specific information
Association of British Counties
British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
British Monarchy - the official site
Chard Jewellers - an excellent site that has much information on the British pre-decimal coinage system
Cockney - a very good site about London and its inhabitants
Jaques Proot - pages explaining all sorts of old measurements
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch at the BBC
Paul Lewis - a page explaining the old British pre-decimal coinage system
United Kingdom Passport Service
Britain USA - British Embassy in the US
British Foreign & Commonwealth Office
United Kingdom Passport Service
US Immigration and Naturalization Service Center
I wanted to buy some hardware to get video images into my PC, here's the hardware I found
These sites are for Website utilities and tips.
The sites under Software may also be helpful
About Personal Web Pages - A whole bunch of links and articles
Act Now Domains - Transfer domains and find a host
Any Browser - HTML, Meta tag and link checker, and a whole bunch more
BestWeb Javascript - The site also says they'll be adding more languages soon
Bravenet - a great collection of website enhancements including counters, forums and guestbooks
Code Library - A collection of ASP, CSS, DHTML, JavaScript and HTML routines
Counter Bloke - free web counter
DHTML Shock - Some great scripts and ideas here
DtDNS - A commercial site that enables you to host your website from your own PC
Echo Echo - HTML and Java tutorials and forums
Gostats - free web counter and tracking statistics
HTML Goodies - HTML and Javascript
Internet Related Technologies - everything you need to know about website design and programming - includes CGI, Perl, DHTML, Javascript, VBScript, web databases etc.
Network Tools - Traceroute, Ping etc.
OpenBB - free message board provider
phpBB - free message board provider
Pico Search - free web site search engine
ProBoards - free message board provider
Search Engine Watch - everything you ever needed to know about search engines. It can even show you how to add one to your website. Lots of links.
Simply the Best - lots of scripts here - a site of free web page counters (without the ads)
Web Attack - all sorts of web connected stuff
Web Reference - a great reference site. Their tutorial for adding sounds to web pages is one of the best I've seen
What is my IP Address - Pretty obvious what this does, it gives your IP address
Xenu - the Link Sleuth hypertext link checker
These sites are for Windows utilities and tips.
The sites under Software
may also be helpful
Active Win - a site covering most Windows releases and a host of other PC related stuff. Their tips and Tricks sections are excellent
BootDisk - lost your bootable disks? get one from this site. They also provide links to host of other useful sites
Computer Hope - Window, DOS, Games, Downloads this site is good
Computing Net - forums, FAQs, drivers, installation guides and tons of other stuff
Directron : Overclocking - How to overclock your CPU
DOS the Easy Way - Well some of us still use it. The site also contains a good forum
Driver Guide - a good source of device drivers
Easy Desk Software - its not often I list commercial sites but these people know the Windows registry. They also provide links to freeware and shareware sites
PC Plus - Lots of hints, tips, reviews and downloads here
Practically Networked - a very good site explaining how to set up a network, news, hardware reviews and more
Speed Guide - shows you how to make your PC as efficient as possible, overclocking and optimum internet performance
Win Drivers - lots of Windows drivers and other stuff
Bibliomania - 2000 + books, including the wonderful Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Common Errors in English - this is part of Paul Brians' impressive website
Scriptorium - Graham Smith's calligraphy pages
World Wide Words - Traces the origins of words and phrases
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This page created 16th October 1999, last modified 25th May 2014