Welcome to Brisray's Ringlink Instance
Webrings were common up until around 2005, and there were thousands of them for people to add their sites to. In 2024, there were just a handful of systems available. One such was Neorings that lasted just seven months, from November 2023, to June 2024. With the collapse of that, I decided to take a look at creating a system of my own. Instead there was a perfectly good example waiting to be used, Ringlink.
RingLink here and here (both links to the Internet Archive) was writtten as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) program in Perl by Gunnar Hjalmarsson in 2000. The last version, 3.4, was written in 2017 and it is that version used here.
I am not an authority on HTML, Scripting or CSS. The information provided here is not a complete guide to site design, using HTML, script, CSS or anything else, there are plenty of other sites that provide far more authoritative information than I can hope to. What is provided here are notes on problems I have faced and what I did about them. The pages also provide practical examples in plain English - something that some other sites don't always provide.
In 2002, Gunnar created The World of Webrings (Internet Archive) that later morphed into Web Ring World. Although no longer a webring system, the site has some very useful information for webring managers and members.
I am currently testing Ringlink 3.4, and as soon as that is complete will be adding links to this page to enable people to create, manage and join new webrings.