This is a simple page to demonstrate some of the ideas, problems and solutions discussed on my page about frames.

This page is to demonstrate what happens when links are placed in the main frame and how to open files outside a frameset.

Internal Links - These just opens my own pages.

Link 1 - This uses a plain link - <a href="frmmain1.htm">

Link 2 - Another plain link - <a href="frmset2.htm"> - This demonstrates that opening a new frameset within another is not a good idea.

Link 3 - Open page within a named frame or window - <a href="frmmain1.htm" target="mainfrm"> - Do not use this to open external links inside a frame.

Link 4 - Open page in the parent frame - <a href="frmmain1.htm" target=_parent> - If it isn't in a child frameset this is the same as target=_top. Do not use this to open external links inside nested frames.

Link 5 - Open page in the current frame - <a href="frmmain1.htm" target=_self> - If not in a frame this is the same as target=_top. Do not use this to open external links inside a frame.

Link 6 - Open page in a new browser window - <a href="frmmain1.htm" target=_blank>

Link 7 - Open page in the entire current window - <a href="frmmain1.htm" target=_top>

External Links - This opens Microsoft's site (I'm sure they need the hits).

Link A - This uses a plain link - <a href="">

Link B - Open page within a named frame or window - <a href="" target="mainfrm"> - Do not use this to open external links inside a frame.

Link C - Open page in the current frame - <a href="" target=_self> - If not in a frame this is the same as target=_top. Do not use this to open external links inside a frame.

Link D - Open page in the parent frame - <a href="" target=_parent> - If it isn't in a child frameset this is the same as target=_top. Do not use this to open external links inside nested frames.

Link E - Open page in a new browser window - <a href="" target=_blank>

Link F - Open page in the entire current window - <a href="" target=_top>

This page created 28th October 2004, last modified 31st October 2004

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