This section was written in response to questions that I've been asked about HTML and JavaScript. Some are replies to questions asked in the various forums that I frequent, others are simply the result of my curiosity.
I am not an authority on HTML, Scripting or CSS. The information provided here is not a complete guide to site design, using HTML, script, CSS or anything else, there are plenty of other sites that provide far more authoritative information than I can hope to. What is provided here are notes on problems I have faced and what I did about them. The pages also provide practical examples in plain English - something that some other sites don't always provide.
To use most of the code from these pages you will need to copy and paste them to a text only editor before using them on your pages. The reason for this is that you'll find they won't work properly as the HTML formatting codes will be copied across as well. Notepad or something similar will ignore the codes and leave the plain text.
Some of these pages are now over 10 years old as of September 2014. Some of what I wrote is now obsolete and some, I'm sorry to say, were never quite correct in the first place. none the less I hope you find these pages interesting and maybe even some of them useful.
One nice thing about web pages is that if you find an effect or function that you like you can take a look at the source code, see how it works and adapt it for for your pages. It is good courtesy to email the owner of the page and ask if you can copy bits from it.
The Pages
Apache Server
- Arguments against running a home server
- Accessing server on LAN
- Controlling Apache
- Securing Apache
- Apache Server Status
- Updating Apache
- Cable Modems
- Domain Name Registrar Transfers
- Google Search Console - Fixing errors
- Redirection - Automatic redirection between web pages
- Referer Spam
- Router Settings - Router settings when running a home web server
- Spectrum SAX1V1S WiFi 6 Router
- Enabling SSL in Apache Windows web server
- Renewing SSL Checking and renwing SSL Certificates
- Utilities - Useful utilities for checking accessibility, errors, loading speed and more
- Webmaster Spam
Server Logs
- Web Log Files
- Splitting Logs
- Analog
- AWStats
- Log Parser
- Log statistics software comparison
- W3Perl
- Webalizer
Server Installation
- Linux Web Server
- 2003 Windows Web Server
- (Page 1) - installation and setup, router
- (Page 2) - IP address, firewall, logs
- (Page 3) - remote control, FTP, dynamic DNS, other sites
- Windows Web Server 2020
Browsers & Search Engines
- Alternative Search Engines
- Browsers
- How do I add an icon to the address bar? (HTML)
- How can I add my page to the Favorites menu? (JavaScript)
- How can I make my page the start page? (JavaScript)
- How do I make an image follow the cursor? (JavaScript)
- Another interesting cursor effect (JavaScript)
- Shake the browser window (JavaScript)
- Browser Compliance
- Close blocked exit web page
- Website Basics - Editors, Design, Technology, Compatibility, Organization, Naming, Conventions & Defaults, Hosts, FTP & Uploading, Backups, Recovery
- Code Tips
- Design
- Web Templates
- MIDI Files - Playing MIDI Files on web pages
- <details> Tag - A horizontal menu
- Forms
- Frames
- Image Optimization
- Image Q & A - Some notes about using images on the web
- Linkrot - What it is and how to mitigate it
- Links
- Linking Web Files
- Lycos UK - Lycos specific - Adverts, Bandwidth, Bug Reports, Disabled Sites, Downloads, Downtime, File Names, File Storage, FTP, Hot Linking, Password Protected Directories, Red Measure & Red Sheriff, Technologies, Under Construction, Useful URLs
- Site Search Styling - Styling the Google Custom Search Engine
- Video
- Responsive Video Embedding
- Random
- Serial Listings - Using JavaScript and CSS with ASCII / UTF-8 character codes
- Speed Tips for JavaScript
- Toggle Variables
- Parse URL