<div id="message"></div> <script language="JavaScript"> setTimeout("noframe()", 1000); </script>

Ray's Test Page - Testing for browsers that don't support frames.

Using a timer

If the browser doesn't support frames then the following message will appear "Your browser does not support frames. Redirecting you to a non-frame page in X seconds" Where, in the code, the time is set to three seconds.

To do this, put the following code in the HEAD section of the webpage ...

<script language="JavaScript">
var count=0;
var timex=3;
function noframe(){
message.innerHTML="Your browser does not support frames. Redirecting you to a non-frame page in " + timex + " seconds";
if (timex==0){
setTimeout("noframe()", 1000);

Obviously, you can change the timing by changing the time from 3 to whatever you want - in both places it appears. Also, change the URL to whatever it is you want it to be.

In the BODY section of the page, put this ...

<div id="message"></div>
<script language="JavaScript">
setTimeout("noframe()", 1000);

Using an immediate page change

A very much simpler code, but more confusing for your visitors, is to just change the page. You can do this easily. In the HEAD section of your code put ...

<script language="JavaScript">
function noframe(){

In the BODY section put ...

<script language="JavaScript">

Using an action by the user

You may want your visitors to take some action before they are redirected. In the following example, a button is created for them to click on. In the HEAD section put ...

<script language="JavaScript">
function noframe(){

In the BODY section put ...

<p>Your browser does not support frames</p>
<form method="POST">
<p><input type="button" value="Click here for non framed pages" name="B1" onclick="noframes()"></p>

<p>Your browser does not support frames</p> <form method="POST"> <p><input type="button" value="Click here for non framed pages" name="B1" onclick="noframes()"></p> </form>


Whichever method you use, you can test the code is working by placing <!-- and --> around the <noframes> and </noframes> tags.

This page created 20th March 2004

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