Test Pages: Menus

This page is a list of test pages I created for creating menus and menu-like actions

details-h.htm - Horizontal <details> tag menu (2023)
CFTVtest1.htm - JavaScript based menu-like button action for choosing items from a list (2014)
jsmith1.htm - opening menus and then the choices made in iframes (2014)
menushow.htm - This menu places the chosen item from a div into a new div (2014)
buttons.htm - Craeting a series of buttons (A-Z) and linking them to anchor tags using JavaScript (2012)
newsite - This directory contains the test files made while making the a folder tree menu based on CSS and unordered lists (2005)
dropmenu1.htm - Styling a plain HTML dropdown listbox (2004)
menus1.htm - Simple menus using tables and buttons (2004)