Bristol UK Postcards

Bristol UK Postcards


Port View, Avonmouth

Port View, Avonmouth

This postcard, posted in Avonmouth on 25th August, 1924, has the printed text...

Viner? & Co., Publishers, Bath

Avonmouth Docks

Avonmouth Docks

This unused postcard has the printed text...

H. B. & S. Ltd., Bristol
Printed in England

The first dock at Avonmouth, Avonmouth Old Dock, was opened in 1877. It was acquired by the Bristol Corporation in 1884. In 1908, a much larger dock, the Royal Edward Dock, was opened. The docks were operated by the Port of Bristol Authority, part of Bristol City Council, until 1991, when the council granted a 150 year lease to the Bristol Port Company, who now operate the docks together with Royal Portbury Dock.

Bank Hotel

Bank Hotel

Walter's Bank Hotel, Bridge Street

This unused postcard has no other printed text.

This page created 28th August 2009, last modified 27th December 2009

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