Bristol UK Postcards - The Cathedral (1)
Bristol Cathedral
This unused postcard has the printed text...
Printed in Great Britain
"This is a time for everyone to
stand to-gether and hold firm."
The Prime Minister
The quote is from Winston Churchill's Broadcast to the Nation on 11th September 1940.
I have another copy of this postcard that has the quote...
"We have to gain the Victory.
That is our task."
The quote is from Winston Churchill's speech given in the House of Commons on 20th August, 1940. This is the same speech in which the immortal line "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. All hearts go out to the fighter pilots, whose brilliant actions we see with our own eyes day after day." appears.
Bristol Cathedral
This unused postcard has no other printed text.
Bristol Cathedral from the northwest
This postcard, posted in Bristol on April 14th, 1903, has the printed text...
Peacock Brand trademark logo
Bristol Cathedral & Queen Square
This unused, enbossed, postcard has the printed text...
Raphael Tuck & Sons "Heraldic" Postcard Series 159
Designed in England. Chromographed in Bavaria
Tuck issued both the "Heraldic" and "United Kingdom" series of postcards in 1902 / 1903.
Bristol Cathedral & Queen Square
This unused postcard has the printed text...
J. B. & S. C.
The postcard also has a hand-written date of September 11th, 1903.
Bristol Cathedral & Queen Square
This unused postcard has just the printed text 50501
Bristol Cathedral & Queen Square
This postcard, posted in Trowbridge, Wiltshire on March 16th, 1904, has the printed text...
Hartmann trademark logo
Bristol Cathedral & Queen Square
This postcard, with an unreadable postmark, has just the printed text 646.
This page created 13th September 2009, last modified 10th February 2010