Bristol UK Postcards

Bristol UK Postcards


will's Memorial tower, Bristol University

Wills Memorial Tower of the University of Bristol

This unused postcard has the printed text...

This is a Real Photograph
Printed in England

Wills Memorial Tower of the University of Bristol

Wills Memorial Tower of the University of Bristol
To the left can be seen the City Art Gallery and Museum

This unused postcard has the printed text...

Printed in Gt. Britain

"We shall continue steadfast in
faith and duty till our task is done."
The Prime Minister

The quote is from Winston Churchill's speech given to allied delegates at St. James's Palace on June 12th, 1941. The speech runs "Our air power will continue to teach the German homeland that war is not all loot and triumph. We shall aid and stir the people of every conquered country to resistance and revolt. We shall break up and derange every effort which Hitler makes to systematize and consolidate his subjugations. He will find no peace, no rest, no halting place, no parley. And if, driven to desperate hazards, he attempts invasion of the British Isles, as well he may, we shall not flinch from the supreme trial. With the help of God, of which we must all feel daily conscious, we shall continue steadfast in faith and duty till our task is done."

I have another copy of this postcard that has the quote...

"This is a time for everyone to
stand to-gether and hold firm."
The Prime Minister

This quote is from Winston Churchill's radio broadcast of 11th September, 1940.

At the top of Park Street can be seen the Wills Memorial Tower of the University of Bristol. Officially opened by King George V in 1925, the Wills Tower has been called the last great Gothic building to be constructed in England. It was commissioned and paid for by sons, George Alfred Wills and Henry Herbert Wills, of the first Chancellor of the University, Henry Overton Wills in 1912. It seems unfashionable to mention it nowadays but this is the Wills family of W. D. and H. O. Wills, the giant tobacco company.

This page created 28th November 2009, last modified 4th December 2009

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