Bristol UK Postcards - Multiviews (1)
Bristol Multiview
St. Mary Redcliffe, Clifton Suspension Bridge, Avon Gorge, University & Art Gallery, Cathedral
This unused postcard has the printed text...
Printed in Gt. Britain
"We shall continue steadfast in
faith and duty till our task is done."
The Prime Minister
The quote is from Winston Churchill's speech to the Allied delegates, St. James's Place, London, June 12, 1941. I have another copy of this card that uses a different Churchill quote, this one says...
"We shall never stop, never
weary, and never give in."
This quote comes from the "Dieu Protege La France" speech which was broadcast on October 21st, 1940.
Another copy of this card uses the Churchill quote...
"Let us all strive without failing
in faith or in duty."
This card is unusual in that it was sent through the U.S. Army Postal Service 29 on October 17th. 1943. The quote is from Winston Churchill's speech that was broadcast by the BBC on 14th July 1940. The speech calls to arms men from every country to fight Nazism and runs "This is no war of chieftains or of princes, of dynasties or national ambition; it is a war of peoples and of causes. There are vast numbers, not only in this island but in every land, who will render faithful service in this war but whose names will never be known, whose deeds will never be recorded. This is a war of the Unknown Warriors; but let all strive without failing in faith or in duty, and the dark curse of Hitler will be lifted from our age."
Bristol Multiview
Cathedral, Avon Gorge, University & Art Gallery, St. Augustine's Parade, Clifton Suspension Bridge
This unused postcard has the printed text...
Printed in Gt. Britain
"We shall continue steadfast in
faith and duty till our task is done."
The Prime Minister
The quote is from Winston Churchill's speech to the Allied delegates, St. James's Place, London, June 12, 1941. I have another copy of this card that uses a different Churchill quote, this one says...
"We shall never stop, never
weary, and never give in."
This quote comes from the "Dieu Protege La France" speech which was broadcast on October 21st, 1940.
Bristol Multiview
Cabot Tower, Clifton Suspension Bridge, Blaise Castle Estate, Colston Avenue, City Centre
This postcard, posted in London on 8th September, 1952, has the printed text...
BL 356
Tuck's Post Card
Carte Postale
Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd.
Fine Art Publishers To Their Majesties The King And Queen And To Her Majesty Queen Mary
By Appointment Fine Art Publishers
Real Photograph
Printed in England
To Bring You Greetings
I have another copy of this postcard that was posted in Bristol on 7th Sepember, 1958
Bristol Multiview
Avon Gorge, Harbour, Cathedral
St. Mary Redcliffe, Clifton Suspension Bridge
Cathedral and College Green, Guildhall
This unused postcard, which is more of an advertising card for Parsley Brand Salmon, has the printed text...
Tuck's Post Card
Carte Postale - Postkarte
Raphael Tuck & Sons' Real Photograph Post Card
Art Publishers To Their Majesties The King And Queen
By Appointment
The back of the card has been overprinted...
Parsley Brand Salmon
"Without A Rival"
Always Good
Excellence of Quality shown by the following awards ---
- 1902
London - 1905
Paris - 1905
Bruxelles - 1905
Grand Prix Paris - 1906
To be had of all Grocers
Bristol Multiview Postcard
Park Street and University Tower, View from Clifton Suspension Bridge,
The Centre and two views of Clifton Suspension Bridge
This unused postcard has the printed text...
Photochrom Ltd., Graphic Studios, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Bristol Multiview Postcard
Clifton Downs and Clifton Grammar School
This unposted postcard has the printed text...
No. 107/5
09 11361*
"Grosvenor Series" W. H. S. & S. B.
Printed Abroad
Bristol Multiview
University, City Centre and Broadmead
This postcard, posted in Bristol but with an unreadable date stamp has the printed text...
by Valentine Printers and Publishing, Dundee & London
Printed in Gt. Britain
Bristol Multiview Postcard
Clifton Suspension Bridge, University, Cathedral, College Green, Avon Gorge
This postcard, posted in Bristol on 21st July, 1965, has the printed text...
Salmon Series "Cameracolour"
Printed and Published by J. Salmon Ltd., Sevenoaks, Eng.
This page created 22nd August 2009, last modified 6th February 2010