Terre Haute Postcards - Deming Park (2)

Terre Haute Postcards - Deming Park (2)

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Deming Park, Terre Haute

Deming Park, Terre Haute, Ind.

This unused postcard has the printed text...

Deming Park
Terre Haute, Indiana
Situated in a woody and hilly section in the
eastern part of the city Deming Park is enjoyed
by young and old.

8DK - 1145 [1968]
Pub for Wabash Valley News Agency, Inc., Terre Haute, Ind.
Curteichcolor 3-D Natural Color Reproduction (Reg. U. S. A. Pat. Off.)

Deming Park, Terre Haute

Deming Park, Terre Haute, Ind.

This unused postcard has the printed text...

Deming Park
Terre Haute, Indiana

Pub. by Wabash Valley News Agency, Inc., Terre Haute, Ind.
Plastichrome by Colorpicture Publishers, Inc., Boston 15, Mass., U.S.A.

Deming Park at 177 acres is the largest of Terre Haute's 27 parks. In 1921, the land was purchased by the city from Demas Deming Jr. (1841-1922) for $155,000. From this sum, $100,000 was given to the Rose Hulman Institute and $55,000 used to extend Ohio Boulevard to the park which also contains the Clark-LandsBaum Holley Arboretum, one of 18 in the United States. The Arboretum is home to more than 300 hollies, representing 9 species, and 167 different cultivars. The park is also home to the Oakley Playground, consisting of over 17,500 square feet of play area that is accessible to children with special needs.

Izaak Walton was an Englishman who in 1653, first published the Compleat Angler. In 1922, the Izaak Walton League was formed in Chicago to help preserve fishing streams. The Terre Haute chapter was founded in 1923 and soon acquired the 150 acre lake, now known as Izaak Walton Lake, just north of West Terre Haute.

This page created 10th July 2008, last modified 10th July 2008

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