Terre Haute Postcards

Terre Haute Postcards

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Firman Equipment Corp. Firman Equipment Corp.

Firman Equipment Corp.

This matchbook is from the Firman Equipment Corporation of First and Canal Streets, Terre Haute. A mine tipple is a place for screening coal and loading it into trucks or railroad cars. The name "tipple" is derived from the time when men would push carts full of coal to an unloading area and tip them over to dump the coal out.

First Baptist Church, Terre Haute

First Baptist Church

This postcard, stamped in Terre Haute on October 24th, 1917, has the printed text...

The Model

The First Baptist Church was first organized in Terre Haute in 1837. The church pictured in the above postcard was opened in 1916 at 201 South Sixth Street. Unusual for a church, the building also contained a gymnasium and a swimming pool. The last service was held in 1968 when a new church was opened at 4701 Poplar Street. The Associated Physicians & Surgeons Clinic was built on the old site.

This page created 21st October 2008, last modified 8th May 2009

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