Generic Quarries
These postcards are either of generic scenes or where the name of the quarry is unknown

Postcard of a photo entitled "Wall Street" by Jack Hackney - Bedford, Indiana
The text on the postcard says "From these blocks come the finished products. Indiana limestone is the nation's building stone and is used for constructing skyscrapers, schools, churches and private homes."

The text on the postcard says "Beautiful Bedford Stone comes from quarries like this. Located one-half mile North of Oolitic, Indiana." Oolitic is 3.5 miles north west of Bedford.

Indiana limestone quarry by Howard Fogg
The text on the postcard says "After limestone is quarried it is stored in stock piles such as shown in this painting by Howard Fogg. This Oolitic limestone after seasoning is then cut, shaped and carved into building stone. Many of America's most beautiful buildings are made of Indiana limestone. Its remarkably smooth texture results from its organic formation from the fossil remains of tiny marine organisms of pre-historic times."
The seasoning is required because the limestone decompresses as it is quarried and can also contains ground water. Buff limestone requires 60 - 90 days to season but grey limestone requires at least 6 months.

An Indiana Limestone Quarry
The text on the postcard says "A quarry scene near Bedford, Indiana, in the world's largest limestone belt."

A limestone quarry at Bedford, Indiana

An Indiana Limestone Quarry

An Indiana Limestone Quarry near Bedford

An Indiana Limestone Quarry
The text on the postcard says "Located 2 miles north of Bedford, Indiana on Road 37. This is one of the largest in the world." This is probably a quarry belonging tp B. G. Hoadley which later became the Indiana Limestone Company.

An Indiana Limestone Quarry near Bedford, Indiana
The text on the postcard says "Limestone quarried and fabricated near Bedford, Indiana, center of the Indiana limestone industry, has long been a favorite among architects. Bedford stone possesses both beauty and durability, lending itself easily to carving and delicate tracery. Cuts of stone are extracted from the solid floor or ledge of the quarry, drilled and broken up into mill blocks, hoisted from the quarry by derricks and transported to the mill for fabrication."

An Indiana Limestone Quarry near Bedford, Indiana

An Indiana Limestone Quarry near Bedford, Indiana
Another postcard with this image identifies it as the Indiana Cut Stone Company quarry

Indiana Limestone Mill, Bedford, Indiana
This postcard is stamped June 6th, 1949.

Transporting columns by train
The postcard reads "Shipping 35 foot limestone columns (each column requiring one car) Bedford, Indiana"

Coal mine, Brazil, Indiana
This unused postcard has the printed text...
Wm. A. Didier & Sons, Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind.
Nothing to do with limestone quarrying at all, this postcard shows a coal mine near Brazil. Coal mining is a major industry in Indiana.