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Sortation techniques :-
Being able to sort items by size is an important part of computing. It is also, perhaps one of the less easily understood routines. Some simple sort routines are very slow whilst others seem too arcane to be understood by mere mortals - or by me at least.
Whilst trawling through my back copies of PC Plus - one of the magazines I subscribe to, I found a very fast sortation method. The next day someone gave me a copy of a program called SortDemo which was lurking on the disks of one of our older machines. I have no idea who wrote it, or how we came to have a copy but I have included it in the downloadable zip file. It was investigating these routines that I made the logic error you can read about in Errors.
Here are the timings when I ran this program at home :-
Technique |
Time |
Insertion |
57 |
Bubble |
51 |
Heap |
24 |
Exchange |
18 |
Shell |
14 |
Quick |
9 |
Quicksort :-
From the table you can see the quickest by far was the QuickSort routine. Here's a program that generates an array of random numbers then sorts them using a QuickSort algorithm.
Screenshot of QSort.bas
'QSort Ray Thomas March 2002 '*** This is a QuickSort routine *** DECLARE SUB DoSort (SortArray() AS INTEGER, Low AS INTEGER, High AS INTEGER) '*** Program variables *** OPTION BASE 1 DIM MyArray(250) AS INTEGER DIM Count AS INTEGER 'Loop counter DIM Number AS INTEGER 'General numeric variable CLS '*** Make an array of random numbers *** PRINT PRINT "Initial random array :-" PRINT RANDOMIZE TIMER FOR Count = 1 TO UBOUND(MyArray) Number = (RND * 5000) + 1 MyArray(Count) = Number PRINT MyArray(Count); NEXT Count Number = UBOUND(MyArray) DoSort MyArray(), 1, Number PRINT PRINT PRINT "Final sorted array :-" PRINT FOR Count = 1 TO UBOUND(MyArray) PRINT MyArray(Count); NEXT Count END SUB DoSort (SortArray() AS INTEGER, Low AS INTEGER, High AS INTEGER) DIM Lower AS INTEGER DIM Higher AS INTEGER DIM RandIndex AS INTEGER DIM Partition AS INTEGER 'QuickSort works by picking a random "pivot" element in SortArray, then 'moving every element that is bigger to one side of the pivot, and every 'element that is smaller to the other side. QuickSort is then called 'recursively with the two subdivisions created by the pivot. Once the 'number of elements in a subdivision reaches two, the recursive calls end 'and the array is sorted. IF Low < High THEN ' *** Only two elements in this subdivision *** ' *** Swap them if they are out of order, then end recursive calls: *** IF High - Low = 1 THEN IF SortArray(Low) > SortArray(High) THEN SWAP SortArray(Low), SortArray(High) END IF ELSE '*** Pick a pivot element at random, then move it to the end *** RandIndex = INT(RND * (High - Low + 1)) + Low SWAP SortArray(High), SortArray(RandIndex) Partition = SortArray(High) DO '*** Move in from both sides towards the pivot element *** Lower = Low Higher = High DO WHILE (Lower < Higher) AND (SortArray(Lower) <= Partition) Lower = Lower + 1 LOOP DO WHILE (Higher > Lower) AND (SortArray(Higher) >= Partition) Higher = Higher - 1 LOOP '*** If pivot element not reached, it means that *** '*** two elements on either side are out of order, *** '*** so swap them *** IF Lower < Higher THEN SWAP SortArray(Lower), SortArray(Higher) END IF LOOP WHILE Lower < Higher '*** Move the pivot element back to its proper place in the array *** SWAP SortArray(Lower), SortArray(High) '*** Recursively call the SortArray sub *** '*** Pass the smaller subdivision first to use less stack space *** IF (Lower - Low) < (High - Lower) THEN DoSort SortArray(), Low, Lower - 1 DoSort SortArray(), Lower + 1, High ELSE DoSort SortArray(), Lower + 1, High DoSort SortArray(), Low, Lower - 1 END IF END IF END IF END SUB
You can also sort a string array using this method. To do this you need to make all references to MyArray, SortArray and Partition into strings.
Bubblesort :-
One of the easiest sorts to write is the bubble sort. All this does is use two loops to compare every element of an array with every other element. If one element is bigger than the other it swaps them. for comparing short arrays it's good enough, but because of the number of comparisons it has to do, it's not really suitable for large arrays.
'BSort Ray Thomas April 2002 'A program to demonstrate a Bubblesort *** OPTION BASE 1 DIM MyArray(50) AS INTEGER DIM Number AS INTEGER DIM Count AS INTEGER '*** Make an array of random numbers *** CLS PRINT PRINT "Initial random array :-" PRINT RANDOMIZE TIMER FOR Count = 1 TO UBOUND(MyArray) Number = (RND * 5000) + 1 MyArray(Count) = Number PRINT MyArray(Count); NEXT Count Number = UBOUND(MyArray) '*** Do the Bubblesort *** FOR Count = 1 TO Number FOR Counter = 1 TO Number IF MyArray(Counter) > MyArray(Count) THEN SWAP MyArray(Count), MyArray(Counter) NEXT Counter NEXT Count '*** Print the sorted array *** PRINT PRINT PRINT "Bubble sorted array :-" PRINT FOR Count = 1 TO Number PRINT MyArray(Count); NEXT Count END
When you are writing and testing these sortation routines you'll need some test files to feed into the arrays. Here's a program that writes five of them. One is a file that is completely sorted, then sorted but "upsidedown", one with the largest numbers at the top, another with the smallest at the bottom and finally a completely random one. I originally wrote this program a couple of years ago, and surprisingly, it still works. Who says I only write WORM programs? In this case WORM stands for Works Once - Rewrites Many.
'MAKESORT.BAS Ray Thomas July 1999 'Program to make the sortation test files OPTION BASE 1 DIM Count AS LONG 'Loop counter DIM Counter AS LONG 'Loop counter DIM Number AS LONG 'General numeric variable DIM MaxNum AS LONG 'To hold the number of elements created DIM FilePath AS STRING 'Path to the output files DIM SwapNum AS LONG 'Number of small / large numbers to swap DIM NumArray(30000) AS INTEGER 'To test for random numbers '*** To alter the size of the file produced change the dimension for NumArray *** '*** Alter FilePath$ below to change the file destinations '*** Set the program variables *** FilePath$ = "C:\brisray\" MaxNum = UBOUND(NumArray) SwapNum = MaxNum / 5 OPEN FilePath$ + "SORT1.TST" FOR OUTPUT ACCESS WRITE LOCK READ WRITE AS #1 OPEN FilePath$ + "SORT2.TST" FOR OUTPUT ACCESS WRITE LOCK READ WRITE AS #2 OPEN FilePath$ + "SORT3.TST" FOR OUTPUT ACCESS WRITE LOCK READ WRITE AS #3 OPEN FilePath$ + "SORT4.TST" FOR OUTPUT ACCESS WRITE LOCK READ WRITE AS #4 OPEN FilePath$ + "SORT5.TST" FOR OUTPUT ACCESS WRITE LOCK READ WRITE AS #5 '*** Make an array of completely sorted numbers *** FOR Count = 1 TO MaxNum NumArray(Count) = Count NEXT Count CLS RANDOMIZE TIMER FOR Count = 1 TO MaxNum PRINT #5, Count LOCATE 2, 2 PRINT "The loop counter is now"; Count PRINT Number = (RND * (MaxNum + 1 - Count)) + 1 PRINT #1, NumArray(Number) PRINT "The random number generated is"; Number; " " PRINT "from the NumArray this is"; NumArray(Number); " " PRINT FOR Counter = Number TO MaxNum - Count NumArray(Counter) = NumArray(Counter + 1) NEXT Counter Number = MaxNum + 1 - Count 'Completely sorted - but backward PRINT #2, Number PRINT "The backward number is now"; Number PRINT IF Count < MaxNum - SwapNum THEN 'Nearly sorted - but small numbers at end Number = Count + SwapNum + 1 ELSE Number = MaxNum + 1 - Count END IF PRINT #3, Number PRINT "The nearly sorted, but small numbers at end is now at"; Number; " " PRINT IF Count < SwapNum + 1 THEN 'Nearly sorted - but large numbers at start Number = Count + MaxNum - SwapNum ELSE Number = Count - SwapNum END IF PRINT #4, Number PRINT "The nearly sorted, but large numbers at start is now at"; Number; " " NEXT Count CLOSE END
To make the program run properly you'll need to edit the FilePath$ variable to a directory on your own drive. You can also control how many lines are produced by changing the number of elements in the NumArray array.
The programs on this page, like all the programs written for this site, can be downloaded from the DLoads page.
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