This is part of my history and guide to my adopted home - Terre Haute, Indiana.
More postcards from my collection...
Indiana State Teachers College (1)

Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
This postcard, posted in Terre Haute on July 21st, 1938, has the printed text...
Levin Brothers, Terre Haute, Ind.
C. T. American Art Colored
Curt Teich, Chicago trademark logo

South Campus - Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
This linen faced, unused postcard has the text...
Pub. by Levin Brothers, Terre Haute, Ind.
Natural Color Post Card
Made in the USA by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, WIS., (FKL)
View of the south campus at Indian State Teachers College showing Stalker Hall on the left entrance drive, and from left to right on the right side of the drive, Women's Residence Hall, College Bookstore and Vocational Arts Building.
The card has the year 1943 stamped on it.

Administration Building - Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
This linen faced, unused postcard has the text...
Pub. by Levin Brothers, Terre Haute, Ind.
Natural Color Post Card
Made in the USA by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, WIS., (FKL)
The Indiana State Teachers College Administration Building, built in 1888 after fire destroyed the original building, is the oldest structure on the campus and the center of the College's traditions. Its tower contain the chimes which are a memorial to William Wood Parsons and Howard Sandison. Administrative offices, radio studios, Chapel Hall and a few classrooms are located in the building.
I have another copy of this card that has the hand-written date April 24th, 1944. This is the same building that is usually pictured as the Indiana State Normal School main building.

Administration Building - Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
This linen faced, unused postcard has the text...
Wabash Valley News Agency. Inc., Terre Haute, Ind.
Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone" Postcard (Reg & U.S. Pat. Off.)
I have other copies of this card, all posted in Terre Haute, on October 11th, 1944, May 21st, 1947 and on October 10th, 1947. Another copy of this card was posted in Redkey on November 20th, 1951

New Administration Building - Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
This unused postacrd has no identifying marks on it. The front text reads:
Beautiful new Administration Building on the campus of Indiana State at Terre Haute
From the Indiana State Teachers College Exhibit at the State Fair
The back has text that reads:
Indiana State, one of the oldest teachers colleges in the United States, was founded in 1870. This fully accredited institution has a histroy rich in tradition and a future promising continued progess.
This building was built in 1950 and renamed Gillum Hall in 1957.

Chimes Tower - Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
This unused postcard has the printed text...
Pub. by the Indiana State Teachers College Bookstore, Terre Haute, Ind.
Silvercraft - Made by The Dexter Press, Pearl River, N.Y.
Chimes Tower is a part of the present Administration Building which was constructed in 1888 after fire destroyed the original structure. Although the building is to be razed at the completion of the new Administration Building, Chimes Tower will be preserved. It will be placed in the campus quadrangle.

Bookstore and Residence Hall - Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
This unused postcard has the printed text...
Pub. by the Indiana State Teachers College Bookstore, Terre
Haute, Ind.
Silvercraft - Made by The Dexter Press, Pearl River, N.Y.
The College bookstore, one of the oldest buildings on the campus, is about 75 years old. The building was originally a church and its beautiful lines and paned windows have been retained. Inside, however, is a modern bookstore with adequate facilities for the college personnel. A portion of the Women's Residence Hall can also be seen.

Fine Arts and Commerce Building - Indiana State Teachers College
This linen faced, unused postcard has the text...
Pub. by Levin Brothers, Terre Haute, Ind.
Natural Color Post Card
Made in the USA by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, WIS., (FKL)
The Fine Arts and Commerce Building is the newest of the academic buildings on the Indiana State Teachers College campus. The art, music and commerce departments occupy the modern facilities of the building which include an art gallery, sound-proofed music practice rooms, and a small music hall. Outstanding art collections are on exhibition in the gallery.

New Fine Arts and Commerce Building - Indiana State Teachers College
This linen faced, unused postcard has the text...
Wabash Valley News Agency. Inc., Terre Haute, Ind.
Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone" Postcard (Reg & U.S. Pat. Off.)
I have other copies of this postcard those posted in Terre Haute, on April 30th, 1941; August 8th, 1946 and November 2nd, 1951 and one posted in Effingham, Illinois on April 25th, 1945.

Laboratory School - Indiana State Teachers College
This linen faced, unused postcard has the text...
Wabash Valley News Agency. Inc., Terre Haute, Ind.
Genuine Curteich-Chicago "/C.T. Art-Colortone" Postcard (Reg & U.S. Pat. Off.)
The Laboratory School, covering a regulation city block, is one of the largest structures of its kind in the United States. It's equipment is along the line of the most modern education standards. It includes the Sycamore Theatre, two regulation size gymnasiums, teaching pupils from Kindergarten to high School.