Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2016
Generated 04-Dec-2022 18:55 US Eastern Standard Time
Monthly Statistics for December 2016
Total Hits 319001
Total Files 285999
Total Pages 104952
Total Visits 83678
Total Transfer 7.6 GB
Total Unique Hosts 52780
Total Unique URLs 10170
Total Unique Referrers 5328
Total Unique User Agents 9064
Hourly/Daily Totals Avg Max
Hits per Hour 428 4493
Hits per Day 10290 15706
Hits per Visit 3 4195
Files per Day 9225 12374
Files per Visit 3 2109
Pages per Day 3385 5806
Pages per Visit 1 2640
Visits per Day 2699 3394
Visit Duration 3.16 1955.95
Transfer per Day 252.4 MB 1.5 GB
Transfer per Visit 95.7 KB 1.3 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 285056
Code 206 - Partial Content 943
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2906
Code 304 - Not Modified 9530
Code 400 - Bad Request 266
Code 403 - Forbidden 784
Code 404 - Not Found 19470
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 32
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 1
Code 417 - Expectation Failed 3
Code 501 - Not Implemented 10

Visitors are identified by IP addresses. Two or more visitors sharing the same IP address (e.g. firewall address) will be counted as a single visitor.

Daily usage for December 2016

Pages - document requests (e.g. html, asp, txt); Files - successful requests of all types (e.g. html, gif, css); Hits - all requests, including errors;

Daily Statistics for December 2016
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Hosts Transfer
Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max
1 8602 2.70% 358 620 8199 2.87% 342 600 1755 1.67% 73 180 3096 3.70% 129 186 2635 4.99% 110 157 168.3 MB 2.15% 7 MB 14.8 MB
2 12265 3.84% 511 4493 8346 2.92% 348 1008 3636 3.46% 152 1843 2611 3.12% 109 173 2243 4.25% 84 135 191.3 MB 2.45% 8 MB 28.2 MB
3 9088 2.85% 379 832 8335 2.91% 347 731 3728 3.55% 155 581 2456 2.94% 102 143 2072 3.93% 75 114 1.5 GB 19.64% 64 MB 1.3 GB
4 13576 4.26% 566 1794 12374 4.33% 516 1738 4553 4.34% 190 815 2721 3.25% 113 157 2318 4.39% 82 124 289.4 MB 3.70% 12.1 MB 32.5 MB
5 12169 3.81% 507 1763 10499 3.67% 437 1534 4059 3.87% 169 1516 3234 3.86% 135 191 2708 5.13% 90 144 221.3 MB 2.83% 9.2 MB 22.7 MB
6 12179 3.82% 507 1695 11349 3.97% 473 1650 4081 3.89% 170 1077 3101 3.71% 129 188 2592 4.91% 85 127 238 MB 3.04% 9.9 MB 29.8 MB
7 12972 4.07% 541 1413 11354 3.97% 473 1115 4865 4.64% 203 1181 3172 3.79% 132 207 2687 5.09% 88 146 231 MB 2.95% 9.6 MB 17.9 MB
8 11767 3.69% 490 1137 10702 3.74% 446 1091 3539 3.37% 147 683 2908 3.48% 121 177 2504 4.74% 84 129 254.3 MB 3.25% 10.6 MB 27.2 MB
9 7764 2.43% 324 743 7177 2.51% 299 713 2266 2.16% 94 419 2661 3.18% 111 172 2161 4.09% 68 118 194.3 MB 2.48% 8.1 MB 33.2 MB
10 9961 3.12% 415 1289 9253 3.24% 386 1166 3773 3.59% 157 824 2504 2.99% 104 147 2045 3.87% 64 94 266.8 MB 3.41% 11.1 MB 29.2 MB
11 10843 3.40% 452 795 9672 3.38% 403 767 3193 3.04% 133 588 2592 3.10% 108 159 2188 4.15% 76 112 254 MB 3.25% 10.6 MB 65.1 MB
12 9747 3.06% 406 829 9057 3.17% 377 806 2749 2.62% 115 314 3394 4.06% 141 221 2629 4.98% 87 132 194.7 MB 2.49% 8.1 MB 15.8 MB
13 9845 3.09% 410 850 9415 3.29% 392 830 2825 2.69% 118 314 3081 3.68% 128 184 2450 4.64% 79 134 188.8 MB 2.41% 7.9 MB 13.8 MB
14 10441 3.27% 435 1016 9649 3.37% 402 967 2757 2.63% 115 259 3291 3.93% 137 202 2685 5.09% 78 121 190.4 MB 2.43% 7.9 MB 13.8 MB
15 10021 3.14% 418 1303 9193 3.21% 383 1194 3480 3.32% 145 953 2837 3.39% 118 170 2371 4.49% 71 115 207.9 MB 2.66% 8.7 MB 26.6 MB
16 15706 4.92% 654 3883 11761 4.11% 490 2203 5806 5.53% 242 1563 2996 3.58% 125 232 2424 4.59% 74 182 237.4 MB 3.03% 9.9 MB 42.7 MB
17 9697 3.04% 404 1409 9203 3.22% 383 1341 3399 3.24% 142 1018 2748 3.28% 114 167 2190 4.15% 68 100 172.5 MB 2.20% 7.2 MB 20.4 MB
18 10067 3.16% 419 1006 9433 3.30% 393 962 3400 3.24% 142 578 2566 3.07% 107 149 2132 4.04% 69 100 224.9 MB 2.88% 9.4 MB 34.8 MB
19 11214 3.52% 467 1523 10310 3.60% 430 1485 3428 3.27% 143 558 2888 3.45% 120 161 2264 4.29% 67 98 258.1 MB 3.30% 10.8 MB 29.2 MB
20 9933 3.11% 414 919 9390 3.28% 391 886 3361 3.20% 140 827 2813 3.36% 117 184 2276 4.31% 69 142 197.4 MB 2.52% 8.2 MB 16.8 MB
21 9572 3.00% 399 1244 8856 3.10% 369 1210 3454 3.29% 144 537 2551 3.05% 106 141 1999 3.79% 65 93 176.2 MB 2.25% 7.3 MB 16.7 MB
22 8937 2.80% 372 1134 8406 2.94% 350 1103 3689 3.51% 154 890 2565 3.07% 107 154 2064 3.91% 64 99 201.5 MB 2.58% 8.4 MB 26.8 MB
23 8635 2.71% 360 1545 7975 2.79% 332 1516 2357 2.25% 98 408 2456 2.94% 102 132 1908 3.62% 56 77 185.8 MB 2.38% 7.7 MB 31.9 MB
24 9254 2.90% 386 1428 8670 3.03% 361 1357 4736 4.51% 197 1069 2086 2.49% 87 117 1597 3.03% 47 73 188.1 MB 2.40% 7.8 MB 28.4 MB
25 6887 2.16% 287 597 6413 2.24% 267 570 2955 2.82% 123 385 1966 2.35% 82 110 1582 3.00% 48 70 177.3 MB 2.27% 7.4 MB 29.9 MB
26 8796 2.76% 366 739 8087 2.83% 337 696 2991 2.85% 125 546 2121 2.53% 88 126 1729 3.28% 53 81 168 MB 2.15% 7 MB 15.6 MB
27 8578 2.69% 357 536 8092 2.83% 337 520 2281 2.17% 95 206 2515 3.01% 105 199 2108 3.99% 67 148 206.1 MB 2.63% 8.6 MB 21.2 MB
28 8884 2.78% 370 684 8476 2.96% 353 662 1859 1.77% 77 168 2661 3.18% 111 176 2144 4.06% 64 108 201.2 MB 2.57% 8.4 MB 28.4 MB
29 12510 3.92% 521 2165 11520 4.03% 480 2135 4375 4.17% 182 989 2569 3.07% 107 129 2040 3.87% 60 92 244.9 MB 3.13% 10.2 MB 45 MB
30 12080 3.79% 503 3841 8344 2.92% 348 1122 3877 3.69% 162 1533 2308 2.76% 96 131 1863 3.53% 58 86 189.1 MB 2.42% 7.9 MB 22.4 MB
31 7011 2.20% 295 645 6489 2.27% 273 632 1725 1.64% 72 282 2210 2.64% 92 132 1690 3.20% 50 70 167.5 MB 2.14% 7.1 MB 29.8 MB
Hourly usage for December 2016
Hourly Statistics for December 2016
Hour Hits Files Pages Transfer
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 392 12159 3.81% 357 11070 3.87% 159 4940 4.71% 7.3 MB 226 MB 2.89%
1 352 10914 3.42% 312 9693 3.39% 205 6363 6.06% 5.6 MB 172.1 MB 2.20%
2 723 22413 7.03% 373 11589 4.05% 326 10113 9.64% 11 MB 341.8 MB 4.37%
3 258 8012 2.51% 235 7308 2.56% 89 2779 2.65% 5.4 MB 167 MB 2.13%
4 305 9478 2.97% 280 8707 3.04% 105 3280 3.13% 6.8 MB 211.5 MB 2.70%
5 265 8218 2.58% 238 7390 2.58% 86 2677 2.55% 6 MB 184.6 MB 2.36%
6 299 9297 2.91% 272 8436 2.95% 97 3013 2.87% 6.5 MB 201.4 MB 2.57%
7 359 11139 3.49% 329 10229 3.58% 145 4507 4.29% 8.9 MB 276.7 MB 3.54%
8 450 13977 4.38% 420 13048 4.56% 176 5479 5.22% 51.9 MB 1.6 GB 20.58%
9 457 14173 4.44% 425 13191 4.61% 147 4557 4.34% 11.8 MB 365.1 MB 4.67%
10 479 14866 4.66% 446 13838 4.84% 125 3876 3.69% 9.1 MB 281.9 MB 3.60%
11 531 16461 5.16% 506 15695 5.49% 141 4389 4.18% 10.3 MB 320.7 MB 4.10%
12 456 14142 4.43% 430 13354 4.67% 131 4065 3.87% 9.1 MB 283.4 MB 3.62%
13 539 16739 5.25% 480 14906 5.21% 177 5510 5.25% 9.9 MB 307.8 MB 3.93%
14 519 16118 5.05% 492 15256 5.33% 119 3697 3.52% 9.2 MB 286.5 MB 3.66%
15 495 15365 4.82% 466 14453 5.05% 115 3571 3.40% 10.2 MB 317.5 MB 4.06%
16 541 16771 5.26% 501 15542 5.43% 175 5425 5.17% 10.5 MB 326.8 MB 4.18%
17 479 14872 4.66% 444 13793 4.82% 106 3310 3.15% 10.4 MB 323.6 MB 4.14%
18 466 14452 4.53% 431 13384 4.68% 145 4525 4.31% 10 MB 310.6 MB 3.97%
19 384 11904 3.73% 358 11123 3.89% 98 3042 2.90% 7.6 MB 237.1 MB 3.03%
20 401 12437 3.90% 378 11732 4.10% 125 3876 3.69% 7.7 MB 238.7 MB 3.05%
21 412 12793 4.01% 381 11822 4.13% 126 3915 3.73% 10 MB 309.2 MB 3.95%
22 366 11369 3.56% 335 10408 3.64% 124 3860 3.68% 9.8 MB 302.3 MB 3.86%
23 352 10932 3.43% 323 10032 3.51% 134 4183 3.99% 7.1 MB 220.6 MB 2.82%
Top 30 of 10170 Total URLs
# Hits Transfer Time URL
1 11231 3.52% 52.8 MB 0.67% 0.0000.000 /
2 5506 1.73% 175.2 MB 2.24% 0.0000.000 /common/menu.htm
3 4046 1.27% 485.1 KB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /robots.txt
4 3648 1.14% 81.9 MB 1.05% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray.js
5 3308 1.04% 2.2 MB 0.03% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray.css
6 3277 1.03% 3.2 MB 0.04% 0.0000.000 /common/brismenu.css
7 3261 1.02% 1.2 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /common/brisall.css
8 3197 1.00% 1.1 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /common/brismenux.js
9 3189 1.00% 7 MB 0.09% 0.0000.000 /common/brismenu.js
10 2697 0.85% 3.6 MB 0.05% 0.0000.000 /favicon.ico
11 1582 0.50% 4.3 MB 0.05% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray2014.css
12 1555 0.49% 482.3 KB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /common/favicon.ico
13 1044 0.33% 109.8 KB 0.00% 0.0000.000 /common/brisie.css
14 729 0.23% 3.7 MB 0.05% 0.0000.000 /th/
15 623 0.20% 6.1 MB 0.08% 0.0000.000 /optill/thisthat.htm
16 609 0.19% 12.7 MB 0.16% 0.0000.000 /optill/
17 447 0.14% 46.7 MB 0.60% 0.0000.000 /utils/links.htm
18 440 0.14% 48.7 MB 0.62% 0.0000.000 /qbasic/qnumber.htm
19 372 0.12% 3.3 MB 0.04% 0.0000.000 /optill/oreal.htm
20 363 0.11% 5.1 MB 0.06% 0.0000.000 /web/
21 356 0.11% 2.8 MB 0.04% 0.0000.000 /qbasic/qind.htm
22 332 0.10% 14.6 MB 0.19% 0.0000.000 /brisusa/brisusa1.htm
23 306 0.10% 12.8 MB 0.16% 0.0000.000 /th/thist2.htm
24 287 0.09% 6.8 MB 0.09% 0.0000.000 /bristol/bcastle2.htm
25 282 0.09% 8.8 MB 0.11% 0.0000.000 /th/tsincity1.htm
26 276 0.09% 1.7 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /utils/contact.htm
27 274 0.09% 3.5 MB 0.05% 0.0000.000 /wstory/wind.htm
28 273 0.09% 11.7 MB 0.15% 0.0000.000 /sitemap.htm
29 262 0.08% 2.7 MB 0.04% 0.0000.000 /qbasic/qdelay.htm
30 261 0.08% 6.9 MB 0.09% 0.0000.000 /qbasic/qinput.htm
Top 10 of 10170 Total URLs By Transfer
# Hits Transfer Time URL
1 1 0.00% 1.3 GB 17.26% 0.0000.000 /test/kostyaanna2.mpg
2 5506 1.73% 175.2 MB 2.24% 0.0000.000 /common/menu.htm
3 68 0.02% 82.6 MB 1.06% 0.0000.000 /qbasic/
4 3648 1.14% 81.9 MB 1.05% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray.js
5 2 0.00% 59.4 MB 0.76% 0.0000.000 /isu/The United Kingdom.pptx
6 11231 3.52% 52.8 MB 0.67% 0.0000.000 /
7 199 0.06% 52.6 MB 0.67% 0.0000.000 /test/bookmark.htm
8 440 0.14% 48.7 MB 0.62% 0.0000.000 /qbasic/qnumber.htm
9 2 0.00% 48.1 MB 0.62% 0.0000.000 /test/vdnkh/vdnkn014 - Vostok.tif
10 3 0.00% 46.9 MB 0.60% 0.0000.000 /test/bikini.psd
Top 10 of 1248 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11231 3.52% 5182 22.61% /
2 5506 1.73% 1121 4.89% /common/menu.htm
3 623 0.20% 364 1.59% /optill/thisthat.htm
4 440 0.14% 272 1.19% /qbasic/qnumber.htm
5 729 0.23% 209 0.91% /th/
6 306 0.10% 200 0.87% /th/thist2.htm
7 372 0.12% 178 0.78% /optill/oreal.htm
8 287 0.09% 172 0.75% /bristol/bcastle2.htm
9 447 0.14% 166 0.72% /utils/links.htm
10 199 0.06% 152 0.66% /test/bookmark.htm
Top 10 of 1231 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11231 3.52% 4986 21.77% /
2 5506 1.73% 3084 13.47% /common/menu.htm
3 623 0.20% 325 1.42% /optill/thisthat.htm
4 440 0.14% 262 1.14% /qbasic/qnumber.htm
5 729 0.23% 201 0.88% /th/
6 447 0.14% 172 0.75% /utils/links.htm
7 287 0.09% 151 0.66% /bristol/bcastle2.htm
8 262 0.08% 151 0.66% /qbasic/qdelay.htm
9 199 0.06% 146 0.64% /test/bookmark.htm
10 255 0.08% 129 0.56% /optill/oface4.htm
Top 20 of 4879 Errors
# Hits Status Method URL
1 3320 1.04% 404 GET/awstats/
2 562 0.18% 404 GET/wp-login.php
3 538 0.17% 404 GET/nabris/
4 517 0.16% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon.png
5 282 0.09% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
6 251 0.08% 404 GET/bristol/bind.htm
7 192 0.06% 404 GET/dad/dind.htm
8 142 0.04% 404 GET/bristol/bhelp3.htm
9 129 0.04% 404 GET/wp/wp-admin/
10 123 0.04% 404 GET/test/wp-admin/
11 122 0.04% 404 GET/old/wp-admin/
12 122 0.04% 404 GET/wordpress/wp-admin/
13 121 0.04% 404 GET/wp-admin/
14 113 0.04% 404 GET/blog/wp-admin/
15 109 0.03% 404 GET/bristol/bhelp1.htm
16 93 0.03% 404 GET/qbasic/back1.jpg
17 90 0.03% 404 GET/xmlrpc.php
18 78 0.02% 404 GET/web/srcheng1.htm
19 72 0.02% 404 GET/dad/gcllsn1.htm
20 70 0.02% 404 GET/test/
Top 30 of 52780 Total Hosts
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Duration Host
1 11662 3.66% 1706 0.60% 4705 4.48% 82.4 MB 1.05% 3 0.00% 22.62 27.03
2 11303 3.54% 10451 3.65% 10826 10.32% 135.4 MB 1.73% 41 0.05% 82.28 269.07
3 4356 1.37% 870 0.30% 473 0.45% 17.8 MB 0.23% 432 0.52% 31.91 904.03
4 2877 0.90% 2085 0.73% 896 0.85% 44.6 MB 0.57% 134 0.16% 140.10 1888.30
5 2712 0.85% 1892 0.66% 2640 2.52% 46.4 MB 0.59% 1 0.00% 314.17 314.17
6 2612 0.82% 1882 0.66% 778 0.74% 43 MB 0.55% 155 0.19% 115.87 1788.77
7 2588 0.81% 2179 0.76% 2293 2.18% 1.4 GB 17.74% 243 0.29% 73.07 613.48
8 2533 0.79% 1791 0.63% 705 0.67% 37.2 MB 0.48% 144 0.17% 127.08 1955.95
9 2445 0.77% 2445 0.85% 477 0.45% 51.7 MB 0.66% 16 0.02% 38.57 193.77
10 2110 0.66% 2110 0.74% 334 0.32% 35.7 MB 0.46% 2 0.00% 29.87 59.73
11 2060 0.65% 2060 0.72% 155 0.15% 15.7 MB 0.20% 1 0.00% 20.70 20.70
12 1859 0.58% 1859 0.65% 432 0.41% 35.3 MB 0.45% 15 0.02% 4.65 15.88
13 1782 0.56% 1782 0.62% 86 0.08% 8.9 MB 0.11% 2 0.00% 5.97 9.25
14 1765 0.55% 1683 0.59% 1214 1.16% 26.4 MB 0.34% 100 0.12% 31.23 162.20
15 1603 0.50% 1537 0.54% 1237 1.18% 25.9 MB 0.33% 74 0.09% 30.90 261.73
16 1595 0.50% 1543 0.54% 1044 0.99% 34.9 MB 0.45% 106 0.13% 30.81 259.95
17 1481 0.46% 414 0.14% 1477 1.41% 7.6 MB 0.10% 1 0.00% 12.73 12.73
18 1407 0.44% 958 0.33% 1360 1.30% 45.2 MB 0.58% 2 0.00% 174.96 255.82
19 1381 0.43% 1381 0.48% 88 0.08% 8.7 MB 0.11% 2 0.00% 48.67 53.50
20 1279 0.40% 1229 0.43% 721 0.69% 47.3 MB 0.60% 97 0.12% 25.77 115.32
21 1270 0.40% 1223 0.43% 805 0.77% 25.8 MB 0.33% 108 0.13% 28.18 188.53
22 1229 0.39% 1224 0.43% 51 0.05% 1.2 MB 0.02% 29 0.03% 40.60 778.75
23 1214 0.38% 1145 0.40% 936 0.89% 17.1 MB 0.22% 58 0.07% 45.46 222.10
24 1210 0.38% 1167 0.41% 824 0.79% 24.1 MB 0.31% 65 0.08% 33.06 233.87
25 1204 0.38% 1163 0.41% 807 0.77% 21.5 MB 0.27% 84 0.10% 27.98 182.07
26 1065 0.33% 884 0.31% 1034 0.99% 16.2 MB 0.21% 4 0.00% 23.52 29.23
27 1004 0.31% 889 0.31% 877 0.84% 38.8 MB 0.50% 170 0.20% 45.38 335.30
28 1001 0.31% 952 0.33% 998 0.95% 17.8 MB 0.23% 1 0.00% 83.25 83.25
29 979 0.31% 873 0.31% 969 0.92% 16.1 MB 0.21% 1 0.00% 47.85 47.85
30 975 0.31% 975 0.34% 66 0.06% 21.2 MB 0.27% 312 0.37% 9.86 150.83
Top 10 of 52780 Total Hosts By Transfer
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Duration Host
1 2588 0.81% 2179 0.76% 2293 2.18% 1.4 GB 17.74% 243 0.29% 73.07 613.48
2 11303 3.54% 10451 3.65% 10826 10.32% 135.4 MB 1.73% 41 0.05% 82.28 269.07
3 11662 3.66% 1706 0.60% 4705 4.48% 82.4 MB 1.05% 3 0.00% 22.62 27.03
4 18 0.01% 16 0.01% 11 0.01% 55.5 MB 0.71% 1 0.00% 0.53 0.53
5 2445 0.77% 2445 0.85% 477 0.45% 51.7 MB 0.66% 16 0.02% 38.57 193.77
6 10 0.00% 9 0.00% 4 0.00% 48.3 MB 0.62% 10 0.01% 0.00 0.00
7 14 0.00% 14 0.00% 7 0.01% 47.4 MB 0.61% 14 0.02% 0.00 0.00
8 1279 0.40% 1229 0.43% 721 0.69% 47.3 MB 0.60% 97 0.12% 25.77 115.32
9 2712 0.85% 1892 0.66% 2640 2.52% 46.4 MB 0.59% 1 0.00% 314.17 314.17
10 699 0.22% 670 0.23% 520 0.50% 45.6 MB 0.58% 48 0.06% 33.19 223.22
Top 30 of 5328 Total Referrers
# Hits Visits Referrer
1 144278 45.23% 36155 43.21% -
2 18911 5.93% 14823 17.71%
3 12632 3.96% 1 0.00%
4 9894 3.10% 1177 1.41%
5 7552 2.37% 12 0.01%
6 6700 2.10% 4922 5.88%
7 4132 1.30% 2940 3.51%
8 3567 1.12% 248 0.30%
9 2628 0.82% 18 0.02%
10 2518 0.79% 1726 2.06%
11 1936 0.61% 7 0.01%
12 1922 0.60% 973 1.16%
13 1679 0.53% 28 0.03%
14 1495 0.47% 302 0.36%
15 1407 0.44% 1207 1.44%
16 1147 0.36% 17 0.02%
17 1122 0.35% 5 0.01%
18 1103 0.35% 7 0.01%
19 962 0.30% 12 0.01%
20 959 0.30% 315 0.38%
21 882 0.28% 1 0.00%
22 814 0.26% 133 0.16%
23 796 0.25% 78 0.09%
24 732 0.23% 627 0.75%
25 677 0.21% 0 0.00%
26 645 0.20% 16 0.02%
27 620 0.19% 6 0.01%
28 600 0.19% 16 0.02%
29 582 0.18% 3 0.00%
30 571 0.18% 568 0.68%
Top 20 of 282 Total Search Strings
# Hits Visits Search String
1 18 4.21% 9 0.01% linton terre haute post office
2 13 3.04% 4 0.00% bristol bedminster
3 11 2.57% 5 0.01% bedminster bristol old photos
4 9 2.10% 6 0.01% foley hall st mary of the woods
5 8 1.87% 5 0.01% woodrow wilson middle school terre haute
6 6 1.40% 4 0.00% bristol uk
7 5 1.17% 4 0.00% rick coffey indiana terre haute terre haute, in
8 5 1.17% 4 0.00% bristol town centre uk
9 5 1.17% 4 0.00% colodense factory
10 5 1.17% 4 0.00% hms implacable
11 5 1.17% 4 0.00% limestone mill buildings
12 4 0.93% 3 0.00% terre haute movie theaters
13 4 0.93% 3 0.00% st benedict terre haute
14 4 0.93% 3 0.00% 4932 s lock street terre haute
15 4 0.93% 4 0.00% indiana state university
16 3 0.70% 3 0.00% old photos of east street bedminster bristol
17 3 0.70% 3 0.00% depth perception tricks
18 3 0.70% 1 0.00% write a code of qbasic to print following series - 2,4,6,8,10,12,16,18,20
19 3 0.70% 1 0.00% indiana, wabash river
20 3 0.70% 3 0.00% qbasic program examples download
Top 15 of 9064 Total User Agents
# Hits Transfer Visits User Agent
1 3484 1.09% 414.4 MB 5.30% 3453 4.13% Mozilla/5.0; compatible; AhrefsBot/5.1; +
2 3172 0.99% 45.7 MB 0.58% 3097 3.70% Mozilla/5.0; compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +
3 4955 1.55% 44.1 MB 0.56% 2484 2.97% Mozilla/5.0; compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/5.0; Trident/5.0
4 4742 1.49% 40.9 MB 0.52% 2391 2.86% Mozilla/5.0; compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; Trident/5.0
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