Websites for and by Bristolians
Some of my favourite sites about the City of Bristol
You'll notice that some of the links, on this page and others, have asterisks by them. I use Xenu's Link Sleuth to search the site for broken links. Sometimes a site may not be available for technical reasons, like the server being down, so rather than remove the link straight away I'll mark it with an asterisk. I'll try and find the site if it has moved, but if a site is unavailable on subsequent times I check it, then I'll remove the link.
@ Bristol - The @ Bristol entertainment centre
1330 - The story of a bus made at Bristol Commercial Vehicles in Brislington
1 in 8 - Community education site and much more
1st Take Video - Videos on local history
About Bristol - A pictorial tour of Bristol
Alternative Bristol - A hub to find out about events, groups and news
about all things alternative and progressive happening in Bristol
Ambra Books - local antiquarian book seller
Andrew McArthy's Homepage - A lot of information about Bristol
Arnolt - A Bristol and Arnolt-Bristol car enthusiasts site. This site is currently
closed September 27, 2015.
Axbridge Caving Group - this site contains some nice articles and
photos on Redcliffe Caves
Barb Drummond - A local author's website
BBC Bristol Online - includes Bristol webcams
Berkeley Family Genealogy
Berkeley Family History
Hariss's Homepage - this page contains a very good photo of a ship, the Scottish Lassie, at Hotwells
BoddyParts- Genealogy of several Bristol families. Not found
September 27, 2015.
Bradley Stoke - Community website
Bridging Europe - Information about
the Clifton Suspension Bridge, the site also contains a video of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge.
Brislington Community Partnership
Brislington Conservation and History Society
Bristol Aero Collection - The story of aviation in Bristol
Bristol and Region Archaeological Services
Bristol Area Family Genealogy - Personal family genealogy sites
covering the Bristol area. Not found September 27, 2015.
Bristol & Avon Family History Society- A genealogy site
Bristol Astronomical Society
Bristol Balloon Fiesta
Bristol Blue Glass USA - I don't usually include commercial
sites, but this is, as far as I know, the only US importer
Bristol Books
Bristol Cars - One of the most exclusive marques in the world
Bristol Cathedral - A history and tour
Bristol Charities
Bristol China Partnership
Bristol City Council
Bristol Civic Society - Helping to shape our city
Bristol Commercial Directories
Bristol Commercial Vehicle Enthusiasts
Bristol Connect - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol
Bristol Creatives - An artist-led networking and marketing initiative
for visual and applied artists in the city.
Bristol Evening Post - Our local evening newspaper
Bristol Family History - Genealogy and History of one of
England's Oldest Cities
Bristol Film and Video Society
Bristol Gaol Delivery Fiats - Homosexual offences in
Bristol in the Eighteenth Century
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Genealogy - A guide to Bristol, Gloucestershire ancestry, family history, and genealogy: parish registers, transcripts, census
records, birth records, marriage records, and death records.
Bristol Hashers - a drinking club with a running problem, social jogging
for the unfit, slightly fit and nearly fit
Bristol Hebrew Congregation - has some interesting
articles about the history of Jews in Bristol
Bristol Hospitals - These are the old
Bristol Index - A collection of business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Bristol Indymedia - Online alternative newspaper. This site was closed in
2014 but the archives are still available
Bristol Information - Aspects of Bristol History and Genealogy
Bristol in Roman Times - An excellent site about Roman Bristol. Not found
September 27, 2015.
Bristol Link - A collection of business and hobby links to
Bristol sites
Bristol Media - An industry led organisation, whose primary role is to
facilitate collaboration and growth around Bristol
Bristol Mod Scooter Club
Bristol Online - A searchable collection of business and hobby links to
Bristol sites
Bristol Past
Bristol Penny Post - Two letters from 1824
Bristol Radical History Group
Bristol Record Society
Bristol Society of Architects - The people who shape our city
Bristol Taxi Driver - Mike Maddock's home pages. Not found
September 27, 2015.
Bristol Threatened History Society - Helping to save and record our history
Bristol URBAN Programme - Community led regeneration
Bristol Views - Views and maps of Bristol
Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works - Bristol based early petrol engine
manufacturers The Wagon Works never made steam engines but was a sales agent for them, possibly made by Brazil Straker. The former
BW&CW workshop off Easton Rd where the petrol engines were built is now a real ale brewery -
Towles Fine Ales.
Bristol Web Design - All sorts of interesting stuff, web site
links, stories, pictures etc. made by this web design company and their clients
Bristol Zoo
Bristol's Lost Pubs - A wonderful site. It is also
available here
Bristols United - A site about Bristol and Bristols around the world
British Empire and Commonwealth Museum
- The museum closed in 2009
Brunel 200 - A site celebrating the 200th anniversary Brunel's birth
BS8 Guide - Web links for West Bristol
Bygone Bristol - an independent, Bristol-based publisher of local interest
Chamber of Commerce
Chronological Outline of the History of Bristol -
from a book published in 1824
ChurchCrawler - Churches from around the world, with pages about those of
Civvy Street in WWII - Tom Fletcher's memories of wartime
Clifton Cathedral
Clifton Diocese - The Catholic Church in Bristol
Clifton and Hotwells Improvement Society
Clifton Online
Clifton Suspension Bridge - Our famous suspension bridge
Concorde - The world's first and only supersonic passenger aircraft
DistrictWeb - Warmley and surrounding districts community site - Pete's web site, nice photos of Bristol
Dundry Hill Group - A special interest group for this ridge that runs along the
southern edge of Bristol. The group closed in 2005 but the website is still there.
English and Welsh Lunatic Asylums and Mental Hospitals:
England Trip - Dan Hyde's images of Bristol
English Heritage - images of Bristol
Eugene Byrne - Eugene was editor of the Bristol Evening Post's
Bristol Times, and this is his blog.
Feminist Archive - National and International organisation to collect
and preserve feminist material
Filton Airfield Enthusiasts
First Line - Bristol's bus service
Fishponds Local History Society - Another wonderful site about Bristol's
history - Some nice photos of Bristol
Friends of Arno's Vale Cemetery - These people care for
Arno's Vale
Frenchay Village Museum
Friends of Eastwood Farm
Friends of Nightingale Valley
Friends of Troopers Hill
Fripp & Pocock Family Trees
Front Room - One of the most unusual galleries ever. Based in Totterdown,
GENUKI - Genealogy resources for Bristol
George Mueller of Bristol - online text of
Arthur Piersons' 1899 book
George Muller Foundation
Glenside Hospital Museum
Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery - I used to be
a member of this battery. The author, Derek Driscoll, is my ex-BSM (Battery Sergeant Major)
Greater Fishponds
People - A community site
Guide to Urban Underground Bristol
Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Partnership
His Master's Voice - The story of Nipper
History 4 You - Bristol Historical Research & Temple Local History Group
History of Bristol
Castle - This is no longer a "live" site but the link takes you to the Internet Archive
of Tar Distillation at Crews Hole
History of the Telephone Service in
Holy Trinity Church (W-O-T) - A history and guide to
this ancient church
Images of England - English Heritage, National Monuments Record site
Industrial Schools - Lots of information about Bristol's Industrial
Itchy Bristol - What's on in Bristol
Jack in the Green - Welcomes spring into the city
Jeff Knaggs Homepage - Family genealogy for Knaggs /
Reece / Rundle, lots of references to Bristol
Jezza's Guide to Bristol - History and pictures of Bristol
Knowhere Guide to Bristol - Guides to
various districts around Bristol
Lawmen - Bristol's Wild West show team
Lesley Aitchison - local antiquarian book seller
Living Easton - Community site and a history of
Local Bristol & Family History - Dave Napier's site,
lots of useful information
Malago Society - The local history group of south-west Bristol
Malago Valley Conservation Group
Martyn's Mix - A Bristolians site, some
photos of Bristol
Mathematicians born in Bristol
Matthew of Bristol - The replica of Cabot's ship Matthew
Methodist Church - Bristol District : John Wesley's Chapel
Mines of the Bristol and Somerset Coalfield
National Express - Coach travel to and from Bristol
Net1000 - A collection of business and hobby links to
Bristol sites
Newfoundland Heritage - The early
voyages of discovery by Bristol sailors
The Old Vic & Theatre Royal
Open Directory Project - A collection of
business and hobby links to Bristol sites
Past & Present Press - Local book publishers
Past & Present Publications - Local calendars and more
Peter Hodge's Genealogy Research - this page contains a
very good photo of a wrecked ship, the Emigrant, in Avon Gorge
Pirate Walks - Blackbeard and lots about Bristol too!
Pooles Wharf Court - from a resident
of what was once the Sand wharf
PortCities: Bristol - The Slave Trade
Redcliffe Caves - Alan has been giving tours of the caves for 20 years.
Riots - Up to the Bristol Bridge riot of 1793
Rossbret Institutions - Bristol's Poor Institutions
St. Anne's Park - A community website
St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple School
Scipio Africanus - The
slave buried in Henbury churchyard
Scrumpy and Western - everything about local bands
Semaphore Online - Local railway history
Skelton's Etchings of the Antiquities of
The Source - British Holy Wells and Springs,
contains those in Bristol and surrounding areas
SS Great Britain
Stapleton Workhouse, Hospital and
Stoke Gifford Parish Council
Sugar in Bristol - The sugar trade in Bristol
Tangent Books - books about Bristol
Temple Quarter - Redevelopment of the Temple district
Three Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol
Thomas Chatterton Society
Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire
Archaeological Society - An index to their superb articles - many of which are now in PDF format.
University of Bristol
University of the West of England
University of Withywood - Community education
Victorian & Edwardian Photographs - This is another site by Roger
Vaughan and contains a list of Bristol photographers from 1852 to 1972
Views of Bristol not usually found on postcards - Some interesting
views of Bristol
Tourist - Links to Bristol sites
Visit Bristol - Bristol Tourism and Conference Bureau site
Westcountry Books - Local book publishers
Western Daily Press - Our local daily newspaper
Widening Gate - online edition of the book Widening Gate: Bristol and the
Atlantic Economy, 1450-1700
What's on Bristol - What's on in Bristol
Whitchurch - Local history
William Spickett - A young Bristolian's life and death
in WWI
Windmill Hill City Farm
Winterbourne Family History Online
Workhouse - includes a history of Bristol's workhouses (look under both
Somerset and Gloucestershire)
Young Immigrants to Canada -
This site has an interesting piece about children sent to Canada from Bristol
Old English Weights, Measures and Coinage
While I was writing this I realised that some of the terms I would be using are no longer in common usage, these sites will give more information
Chard Jewellers an excellent site that has
much information on the British pre-decimal coinage system
English Weights and Measures
United Kingdom
Association of British Counties
British Monarchy - the official site
This page created 15th August 2000, last modified 24th January 2016