Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2024
Generated 01-Nov-2024 16:39 US Eastern Daylight Time
Monthly Statistics for July 2024
Total Hits 1766049
Total Files 1456304
Total Pages 1318127
Total Visits 87964
Total Transfer 32.5 GB
Total Unique Hosts 35039
Total Unique URLs 46004
Total Unique Referrers 9122
Total Unique User Agents 14665
Hourly/Daily Totals Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2373 85465
Hits per Day 56969 666504
Hits per Visit 20 653770
Files per Day 46977 537559
Files per Visit 16 525535
Pages per Day 42520 605552
Pages per Visit 14 602267
Visits per Day 2837 3850
Visit Duration 5.19 24127.75
Transfer per Day 1 GB 7.7 GB
Transfer per Visit 386.9 KB 5.5 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1446711
Code 206 - Partial Content 9593
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 67040
Code 304 - Not Modified 4425
Code 400 - Bad Request 44848
Code 403 - Forbidden 81348
Code 404 - Not Found 111667
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 152
Code 413 - Request Entity Too Large 9
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 76
Code 501 - Not Implemented 180

Visitors are identified by IP addresses. Two or more visitors sharing the same IP address (e.g. firewall address) will be counted as a single visitor.

Daily usage for July 2024

Pages - document requests (e.g. html, asp, txt); Files - successful requests of all types (e.g. html, gif, css); Hits - all requests, including errors;

Daily Statistics for July 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Hosts Transfer
Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max
1 15906 0.90% 663 975 14761 1.01% 615 940 5478 0.42% 228 581 2723 3.10% 113 150 1843 5.26% 77 121 344.2 MB 1.04% 14.3 MB 26.2 MB
2 13820 0.78% 576 1012 12921 0.89% 538 920 3080 0.23% 128 301 3520 4.00% 147 278 2042 5.83% 67 159 305.2 MB 0.92% 12.7 MB 21.8 MB
3 12831 0.73% 535 1041 12313 0.85% 513 1016 3263 0.25% 136 276 2887 3.28% 120 219 1715 4.89% 49 160 281.3 MB 0.85% 11.7 MB 23.5 MB
4 12619 0.71% 526 991 12102 0.83% 504 942 2976 0.23% 124 271 3320 3.77% 138 297 1764 5.03% 48 154 281.5 MB 0.85% 11.7 MB 16.5 MB
5 635439 35.98% 26477 85465 489761 33.63% 20407 70025 568133 43.10% 23672 82709 3824 4.35% 159 497 2417 6.90% 61 161 3.1 GB 9.42% 130.4 MB 390.3 MB
6 12619 0.71% 526 972 11997 0.82% 500 960 2906 0.22% 121 240 2568 2.92% 107 157 1867 5.33% 52 81 396.6 MB 1.19% 16.5 MB 58 MB
7 13413 0.76% 559 2161 12778 0.88% 532 2147 2893 0.22% 121 363 2276 2.59% 95 120 1599 4.56% 38 52 242.2 MB 0.73% 10.1 MB 18.6 MB
8 15273 0.86% 636 1292 14472 0.99% 603 1279 5055 0.38% 211 564 2266 2.58% 94 142 1666 4.75% 46 69 350.2 MB 1.05% 14.6 MB 64.9 MB
9 14460 0.82% 602 1062 13391 0.92% 558 1043 3984 0.30% 166 407 2498 2.84% 104 223 1813 5.17% 46 80 348.3 MB 1.05% 14.5 MB 58.4 MB
10 16049 0.91% 669 1493 15100 1.04% 629 1464 4782 0.36% 199 992 3207 3.65% 134 191 2135 6.09% 54 109 439 MB 1.32% 18.3 MB 59.7 MB
11 17432 0.99% 726 1092 16588 1.14% 691 1079 5286 0.40% 220 569 3127 3.55% 130 163 2125 6.06% 51 81 411.2 MB 1.24% 17.1 MB 28.2 MB
12 23046 1.30% 960 3270 21435 1.47% 893 3160 5635 0.43% 235 815 3020 3.43% 126 191 2065 5.89% 48 67 554.3 MB 1.67% 23.1 MB 68.4 MB
13 23892 1.35% 996 4076 21265 1.46% 886 3922 5432 0.41% 226 1072 2946 3.35% 123 185 1921 5.48% 46 64 806 MB 2.43% 33.6 MB 204.9 MB
14 19024 1.08% 793 2628 18018 1.24% 751 2438 4319 0.33% 180 599 2852 3.24% 119 169 2047 5.84% 44 68 817.3 MB 2.46% 34.1 MB 317.6 MB
15 18095 1.02% 754 2178 16693 1.15% 696 1984 4108 0.31% 171 825 2542 2.89% 106 151 1802 5.14% 41 71 396.8 MB 1.19% 16.5 MB 77.2 MB
16 23421 1.33% 976 2687 21839 1.50% 910 2568 8010 0.61% 334 1048 3096 3.52% 129 207 2061 5.88% 46 62 7.7 GB 23.67% 327.7 MB 7.2 GB
17 11111 0.63% 483 851 9519 0.65% 414 778 2530 0.19% 110 220 2120 2.41% 92 172 1566 4.47% 40 80 223.1 MB 0.67% 9.7 MB 24.2 MB
18 13131 0.74% 547 934 12087 0.83% 504 893 3203 0.24% 133 227 2568 2.92% 107 146 1797 5.13% 42 77 251.5 MB 0.76% 10.5 MB 20.9 MB
19 666504 37.74% 27771 83836 537559 36.91% 22398 77499 605552 45.94% 25231 80955 2525 2.87% 105 134 1595 4.55% 36 50 3 GB 9.35% 129.4 MB 373.9 MB
20 11836 0.67% 493 1526 10986 0.75% 458 1432 5148 0.39% 214 1155 2302 2.62% 96 122 1633 4.66% 37 45 198.1 MB 0.60% 8.3 MB 14.5 MB
21 16896 0.96% 704 1573 15643 1.07% 652 1422 8494 0.64% 354 1189 2459 2.80% 102 141 1691 4.83% 38 52 279.5 MB 0.84% 11.6 MB 31.3 MB
22 12420 0.70% 518 909 11459 0.79% 477 873 3658 0.28% 152 490 2763 3.14% 115 185 1831 5.23% 37 73 232.5 MB 0.70% 9.7 MB 15.8 MB
23 13212 0.75% 551 1100 11302 0.78% 471 1045 3304 0.25% 138 236 2557 2.91% 107 192 1841 5.25% 42 120 6.2 GB 19.13% 264.9 MB 5.9 GB
24 15624 0.88% 651 1406 14098 0.97% 587 1269 4616 0.35% 192 536 2629 2.99% 110 167 1924 5.49% 42 73 698.2 MB 2.10% 29.1 MB 397.5 MB
25 15178 0.86% 632 1268 13352 0.92% 556 1205 3508 0.27% 146 238 2846 3.24% 119 177 1961 5.60% 40 58 357.9 MB 1.08% 14.9 MB 77.7 MB
26 13674 0.77% 570 1350 12022 0.83% 501 1281 5121 0.39% 213 535 2486 2.83% 104 179 1737 4.96% 36 80 278.8 MB 0.84% 11.6 MB 23.3 MB
27 23007 1.30% 959 2174 21207 1.46% 884 2067 7021 0.53% 293 490 3127 3.55% 130 224 2151 6.14% 41 89 2.3 GB 7.15% 99 MB 1.6 GB
28 22335 1.26% 931 1738 21097 1.45% 879 1667 10658 0.81% 444 1128 2678 3.04% 112 148 1778 5.07% 32 47 489.1 MB 1.47% 20.4 MB 44 MB
29 13079 0.74% 545 1010 12453 0.86% 519 990 4097 0.31% 171 478 3138 3.57% 131 249 2122 6.06% 42 83 309.6 MB 0.93% 12.9 MB 43.8 MB
30 14324 0.81% 597 4057 13097 0.90% 546 3658 7539 0.57% 314 3892 3244 3.69% 135 706 2498 7.13% 69 640 705.3 MB 2.12% 29.4 MB 385.5 MB
31 16379 0.93% 682 2466 14989 1.03% 625 2226 8338 0.63% 347 2205 3850 4.38% 160 584 2922 8.34% 76 459 401.5 MB 1.21% 16.7 MB 56.1 MB
Hourly usage for July 2024
Hourly Statistics for July 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages Transfer
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 735 22815 1.29% 692 21458 1.47% 173 5391 0.41% 16.6 MB 514.7 MB 1.55%
1 652 20218 1.14% 608 18865 1.30% 206 6414 0.49% 28.9 MB 896.1 MB 2.70%
2 812 25177 1.43% 756 23438 1.61% 277 8616 0.65% 26.4 MB 819.7 MB 2.47%
3 1310 40631 2.30% 1109 34393 2.36% 498 15454 1.17% 219.7 MB 6.6 GB 20.49%
4 773 23981 1.36% 721 22374 1.54% 262 8137 0.62% 256.6 MB 7.8 GB 23.93%
5 909 28189 1.60% 752 23327 1.60% 427 13253 1.01% 31.5 MB 975.7 MB 2.94%
6 1997 61911 3.51% 1157 35871 2.46% 1049 32522 2.47% 27.4 MB 849.3 MB 2.56%
7 3591 111327 6.30% 2526 78311 5.38% 2503 77604 5.89% 33.4 MB 1 GB 3.11%
8 5122 158788 8.99% 4070 126180 8.66% 4327 134142 10.18% 34.2 MB 1 GB 3.19%
9 4809 149079 8.44% 4309 133585 9.17% 4159 128955 9.78% 36.2 MB 1.1 GB 3.37%
10 4940 153156 8.67% 4094 126914 8.71% 4068 126119 9.57% 37.7 MB 1.1 GB 3.52%
11 5442 168719 9.55% 5058 156807 10.77% 4842 150126 11.39% 37.7 MB 1.1 GB 3.52%
12 5176 160476 9.09% 4635 143705 9.87% 4642 143931 10.92% 33.1 MB 1 GB 3.08%
13 5353 165963 9.40% 4914 152335 10.46% 4636 143716 10.90% 26.7 MB 827.7 MB 2.49%
14 5394 167230 9.47% 3971 123107 8.45% 4687 145299 11.02% 34.4 MB 1 GB 3.21%
15 3560 110382 6.25% 2665 82636 5.67% 3041 94294 7.15% 22.6 MB 701.4 MB 2.11%
16 2173 67384 3.82% 1047 32476 2.23% 1603 49719 3.77% 22.3 MB 690.6 MB 2.08%
17 628 19480 1.10% 588 18231 1.25% 160 4986 0.38% 14.8 MB 459.1 MB 1.38%
18 613 19027 1.08% 569 17669 1.21% 165 5122 0.39% 64.3 MB 1.9 GB 6.00%
19 495 15370 0.87% 460 14271 0.98% 124 3859 0.29% 13.3 MB 411 MB 1.24%
20 589 18275 1.03% 557 17287 1.19% 152 4723 0.36% 13.5 MB 418.6 MB 1.26%
21 524 16270 0.92% 493 15294 1.05% 147 4570 0.35% 11.9 MB 369.1 MB 1.11%
22 671 20811 1.18% 615 19092 1.31% 192 5979 0.45% 14.9 MB 460.7 MB 1.39%
23 690 21390 1.21% 602 18678 1.28% 167 5196 0.39% 14.2 MB 440.1 MB 1.32%
Top 30 of 46004 Total URLs
# Hits Transfer Time URL
1 17223 0.98% 75.8 MB 0.23% 0.0000.000 /
2 12551 0.71% 43.4 MB 0.13% 0.0000.000
3 10558 0.60% 56.7 MB 0.17% 0.0000.000 /utils/webrings.htm
4 6142 0.35% 12.8 MB 0.04% 0.0000.000 /th/
5 6128 0.35% 21.2 MB 0.06% 0.0000.000
6 5953 0.34% 498.5 KB 0.00% 0.0000.000 /robots.txt
7 5409 0.31% 6.9 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /favicon.ico
8 5290 0.30% 36.9 MB 0.11% 0.0000.000 /common/menu.htm
9 4987 0.28% 7.8 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray2023-min.css
10 4892 0.28% 31.7 MB 0.10% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray.js
11 3498 0.20% 23.5 MB 0.07% 0.0000.000 /optill/
12 2935 0.17% 22.2 MB 0.07% 0.0000.000 /bristol/
13 2733 0.15% 14.9 MB 0.04% 0.0000.000 /quarries/
14 2541 0.14% 12.2 MB 0.04% 0.0000.000 /bizarre/
15 2426 0.14% 20.3 MB 0.06% 0.0000.000 /web/webring-list.htm
16 2332 0.13% 6.7 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /computers/
17 2195 0.12% 9.9 MB 0.03% 0.0000.000 /web/
18 2187 0.12% 3.5 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /holidays/
19 2065 0.12% 15.8 MB 0.05% 0.0000.000 /dad/
20 1987 0.11% 15.8 MB 0.05% 0.0000.000 /WEB/awstats.htm
21 1909 0.11% 2.7 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray2020-min.css
22 1874 0.11% 6.4 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /server-status
23 1835 0.10% 6.4 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /optill/thisthat.htm
24 1757 0.10% 6.1 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /google-charts/
25 1752 0.10% 25.6 MB 0.08% 0.0000.000 /flood/
26 1729 0.10% 4 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /house/
27 1715 0.10% 7.2 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /misc/
28 1655 0.09% 12.6 MB 0.04% 0.0000.000 /test/
29 1638 0.09% 22.9 MB 0.07% 0.0000.000 /sitemap.htm
30 1568 0.09% 6.3 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /qbasic/qind.htm
Top 10 of 46004 Total URLs By Transfer
# Hits Transfer Time URL
1 3 0.00% 4 GB 12.19% 0.0000.000 /Test/kostyaanna2.mpg
2 2 0.00% 2.6 GB 8.13% 0.0000.000 //test/kostyaanna2.mpg
3 2 0.00% 2.6 GB 8.13% 0.0000.000 /TEST/kostyaanna2.mpg
4 2 0.00% 2.6 GB 8.13% 0.0000.000 //test///kostyaanna2.mpg
5 6 0.00% 1.4 GB 4.35% 0.0000.000 /isu/cimt543-ICe.mp4
6 1 0.00% 1.3 GB 4.06% 0.0000.000 //test//kostyaanna2.mpg
7 3 0.00% 723.2 MB 2.18% 0.0000.000 /isu/cimt543-ICE.mp4
8 3 0.00% 389.9 MB 1.17% 0.0000.000 /misc/video/m1-sinking.mp4
9 7 0.00% 177.5 MB 0.53% 0.0000.000 /isu/The United Kingdom.pptx
10 3 0.00% 89.9 MB 0.27% 0.0000.000 /isu/The United Kingdom.ppt
Top 10 of 5607 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 17223 0.98% 9929 20.44% /
2 1987 0.11% 1826 3.76% /WEB/awstats.htm
3 2426 0.14% 1762 3.63% /web/webring-list.htm
4 822 0.05% 758 1.56% /google-charts/clickable.htm
5 746 0.04% 621 1.28% /web/awstats.htm
6 5290 0.30% 490 1.01% /common/menu.htm
7 10558 0.60% 403 0.83% /utils/webrings.htm
8 1835 0.10% 325 0.67% /optill/thisthat.htm
9 588 0.03% 312 0.64% /utils/stats.htm
10 405 0.02% 285 0.59% /web/webring-tech.htm
Top 10 of 5626 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 17223 0.98% 9605 19.77% /
2 2426 0.14% 1677 3.45% /web/webring-list.htm
3 1270 0.07% 1218 2.51% /WEB/qualtrics-date-picker.htm
4 5290 0.30% 1202 2.47% /common/menu.htm
5 1384 0.08% 726 1.49% /google-charts/tablelinks.htm
6 1987 0.11% 634 1.31% /WEB/awstats.htm
7 697 0.04% 615 1.27% /web/qualtrics-date-picker.htm
8 10558 0.60% 432 0.89% /utils/webrings.htm
9 1835 0.10% 304 0.63% /optill/thisthat.htm
10 405 0.02% 295 0.61% /web/webring-tech.htm
Top 20 of 41062 Errors
# Hits Status Method URL
1 13093 0.74% 400 GETfoobar://
2 6311 0.36% 400 GETgopher://
3 6307 0.36% 400 GETfile://
4 6295 0.36% 400 GETdata://
5 6266 0.35% 404 GET
6 6257 0.35% 400 GETjavascript://
7 6207 0.35% 400 GET
8 1505 0.09% 404 GET/pagead/gen_204
9 1494 0.08% 403 GET/test/'
10 1436 0.08% 403 GET/test/'
11 1380 0.08% 404 GET/maps
12 1331 0.08% 403 GET/th/*~1*/a.aspx'
13 1331 0.08% 403 GET/th/d34dbeef*~1*/a.aspx
14 1289 0.07% 404 GET/plugins/
15 1138 0.06% 404 GET/analytics
16 743 0.04% 404 GET/holidays/paris2008/pind.htm
17 649 0.04% 404 GET/mobile
18 637 0.04% 404 GET/plugins/ua/
19 632 0.04% 404 GET/afs/ads/i/iframe.html
20 627 0.04% 404 GET/test/
Top 30 of 35039 Total Hosts
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Duration Host
1 1274310 72.16% 1001026 68.74% 1167041 88.54% 5.5 GB 16.96% 2 0.00% 775.37 824.75
2 13237 0.75% 12751 0.88% 2621 0.20% 217.1 MB 0.65% 187 0.21% 29.87 542.97
3 9197 0.52% 9197 0.63% 369 0.03% 415.9 MB 1.25% 369 0.42% 0.01 0.02
4 8785 0.50% 8785 0.60% 8785 0.67% 44.9 MB 0.14% 3 0.00% 14762.58 24127.75
5 6577 0.37% 6316 0.43% 3096 0.23% 170.6 MB 0.51% 17 0.02% 76.23 1265.47
6 6456 0.37% 6186 0.42% 3035 0.23% 170 MB 0.51% 11 0.01% 116.08 1264.93
7 5985 0.34% 5738 0.39% 2802 0.21% 153.2 MB 0.46% 13 0.01% 98.28 1265.20
8 5339 0.30% 5282 0.36% 496 0.04% 110.6 MB 0.33% 2 0.00% 45.10 90.20
9 4024 0.23% 3734 0.26% 182 0.01% 91.6 MB 0.28% 98 0.11% 45.45 517.33
10 3882 0.22% 2759 0.19% 1464 0.11% 126.9 MB 0.38% 131 0.15% 123.23 1197.25
11 2960 0.17% 2251 0.15% 1376 0.10% 93 MB 0.28% 133 0.15% 122.88 1226.90
12 2474 0.14% 2417 0.17% 517 0.04% 50.3 MB 0.15% 1 0.00% 69.37 69.37
13 2432 0.14% 2415 0.17% 1 0.00% 138.2 MB 0.42% 259 0.29% 53.97 1395.90
14 2336 0.13% 2336 0.16% 86 0.01% 106.9 MB 0.32% 86 0.10% 0.01 0.03
15 2218 0.13% 2203 0.15% 1 0.00% 69 MB 0.21% 256 0.29% 50.71 1438.48
16 2212 0.13% 2212 0.15% 14 0.00% 6.1 MB 0.02% 14 0.02% 0.29 0.53
17 2200 0.12% 1660 0.11% 1138 0.09% 64 MB 0.19% 147 0.17% 102.62 919.98
18 1977 0.11% 1976 0.14% 72 0.01% 89.1 MB 0.27% 70 0.08% 0.41 28.48
19 1665 0.09% 1542 0.11% 1662 0.13% 7 MB 0.02% 1 0.00% 84.68 84.68
20 1627 0.09% 1627 0.11% 61 0.00% 74.1 MB 0.22% 61 0.07% 0.01 0.02
21 1563 0.09% 1563 0.11% 58 0.00% 71.4 MB 0.21% 58 0.07% 0.01 0.02
22 1557 0.09% 1134 0.08% 493 0.04% 47.8 MB 0.14% 57 0.06% 102.52 1222.15
23 1525 0.09% 1364 0.09% 1427 0.11% 16.2 MB 0.05% 1 0.00% 423.63 423.63
24 1465 0.08% 1465 0.10% 58 0.00% 67.1 MB 0.20% 58 0.07% 0.00 0.02
25 1457 0.08% 1457 0.10% 53 0.00% 66.5 MB 0.20% 53 0.06% 0.01 0.03
26 1444 0.08% 1444 0.10% 56 0.00% 65.2 MB 0.20% 56 0.06% 0.01 0.02
27 1382 0.08% 1300 0.09% 1370 0.10% 27.4 MB 0.08% 5 0.01% 291.66 535.48
28 1320 0.07% 1202 0.08% 1259 0.10% 5.9 MB 0.02% 11 0.01% 6.52 66.30
29 1238 0.07% 602 0.04% 1238 0.09% 14.6 MB 0.04% 134 0.15% 55.29 1497.98
30 1222 0.07% 23 0.00% 0 0.00% 6.2 MB 0.02% 186 0.21% 53.12 566.62
Top 10 of 35039 Total Hosts By Transfer
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Duration Host
1 72 0.00% 72 0.00% 0 0.00% 5.5 GB 16.98% 6 0.01% 0.33 0.98
2 1274310 72.16% 1001026 68.74% 1167041 88.54% 5.5 GB 16.96% 2 0.00% 775.37 824.75
3 108 0.01% 104 0.01% 18 0.00% 4.2 GB 12.92% 7 0.01% 0.43 0.97
4 100 0.01% 71 0.00% 31 0.00% 1.3 GB 4.08% 9 0.01% 0.41 0.98
5 171 0.01% 163 0.01% 99 0.01% 1.3 GB 4.07% 9 0.01% 4.36 22.25
6 148 0.01% 127 0.01% 95 0.01% 1.3 GB 4.07% 10 0.01% 0.38 0.97
7 9197 0.52% 9197 0.63% 369 0.03% 415.9 MB 1.25% 369 0.42% 0.01 0.02
8 36 0.00% 34 0.00% 6 0.00% 376.6 MB 1.13% 3 0.00% 1.83 4.25
9 134 0.01% 122 0.01% 68 0.01% 372.4 MB 1.12% 10 0.01% 0.38 0.98
10 102 0.01% 100 0.01% 19 0.00% 372.1 MB 1.12% 10 0.01% 0.41 0.95
Top 30 of 9122 Total Referrers
# Hits Visits Referrer
1 444578 25.17% 61235 69.61% -
2 88722 5.02% 4803 5.46%
3 61241 3.47% 0 0.00%
4 35707 2.02% 307 0.35%
5 23944 1.36% 20 0.02%
6 20660 1.17% 0 0.00%
7 18769 1.06% 3 0.00%
8 18394 1.04% 158 0.18%
9 9959 0.56% 40 0.05%
10 7975 0.45% 2 0.00%
11 7653 0.43% 6 0.01%
12 7295 0.41% 42 0.05%
13 7288 0.41% 10 0.01%
14 6985 0.40% 160 0.18%
15 6815 0.39% 6 0.01%
16 6713 0.38% 0 0.00%
17 6331 0.36% 5278 6.00%
18 6304 0.36% 5 0.01%
19 6278 0.36% 0 0.00%
20 6128 0.35% 26 0.03%
21 5656 0.32% 8 0.01%
22 5513 0.31% 12 0.01%
23 5497 0.31% 0 0.00%
24 5320 0.30% 0 0.00%
25 5270 0.30% 27 0.03%
26 4849 0.27% 11 0.01%
27 4837 0.27% 40 0.05%
28 4707 0.27% 3 0.00%
29 4369 0.25% 0 0.00%
30 4298 0.24% 3 0.00%
Top 20 of 267 Total Search Strings
# Hits Visits Search String
1 33 7.45% 0 0.00% photos from 1960 indiana state teachers college of pennsylvania to present student
2 28 6.32% 0 0.00% st. mary of the woods college terra haute
3 22 4.97% 1 0.00% saint mary of the woods college campus map
4 11 2.48% 1 0.00% tsonkas grocery terre haute wabash
5 10 2.26% 5 0.01% {keywords} inurl:htm
6 6 1.35% 1 0.00% gibault school for boys logo
7 6 1.35% 1 0.00% great flood of 1913 hamilton
8 6 1.35% 6 0.01% indiana time zones
9 5 1.13% 1 0.00% le fer hall room 361 saint mary of the woods pictures
10 5 1.13% 1 0.00% wabash indiana
11 5 1.13% 5 0.01% indiana time zone
12 4 0.90% 4 0.00%
13 4 0.90% 1 0.00% terre haute famous birds eye view
14 3 0.68% 1 0.00% title company terre haute
15 3 0.68% 3 0.00%
16 3 0.68% 1 0.00% bristol history
17 3 0.68% 1 0.00% hamilton floods
18 3 0.68% 1 0.00% old garfield high school east l.a.
19 3 0.68% 1 0.00% lotniskowiec.. hermes
20 3 0.68% 3 0.00%
Top 15 of 14665 Total User Agents
# Hits Transfer Visits User Agent
1 42518 2.41% 1.5 GB 4.60% 6403 7.28% Mozilla/5.0; Linux; Android 5.0; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Mobile Safari/537.36; compatible; Bytespider;
2 13031 0.74% 186.5 MB 0.56% 6345 7.21% Mozilla/5.0; compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
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