Terre Haute Postcards

Terre Haute Postcards

More postcards from my collection...

Stone Lodge Motel, Terre Haute

Stone Lodge Motel, Terre Haute, Ind.

This unused linen postcard has the printed text...

Photo, Art Work, Copyrighted and Published by
Douglas R. Smith, Washington Building 5, D. C.
Made in U. S. A.

Stone Lodge Motel
U.S.Highway 40 West ... R. Route 1
West Terre Haute, Indiana
Reservations, Telephone DRexel 5059
Air Conditioned ... Tiled Baths
Tubs with Showers ... Hot Water Heat
Enclosed Garages

Stone Lodge Motel, Terre Haute

Stone Lodge Motel, Terre Haute, Ind.

This unused postcard has the printed text...

Pub. by Martin's Photo Shop
Made by Dexter, West Nyack, N.Y.

Stone Lodge Motel
Five miles west of Terre Haute, Indiana, on U.S.40
Rural route 1, West Terre Haute, Indiana
Reservations, Telephone Drexel 0335
Completely carpeted - Air-conditioned - Tile Baths - Tubs with showers - Hot Water Heat - Private Garages - T.V.
Large recreation and picnic area in rear

Sugar Creek Creamery, Danville, Illinois

Sugar Creek Creamery, Danville, Illinois

This postcard, posted in Danville in September 1917, has the printed text...

Made bu Curt Teich, Chicago
Curt Teich trademark logo

Sugar Creek Creamery Co's.
new plant at Danville, Illinois. Capacity
150,000 pounds weekly. The same company
operated creameries at other points in
Illinois and Indiana churning the famous
Sugar Creek Butter.

Sugar Creek Creamery had facilities all over the midwest. The back of this postcard has an advert for the one in Terre Haute...

Sugar Creek Creamery

Sugar Creek Creamery, Danville, Illinois

For the last three weeks
46c for Butterfat!

Why sell for less , when we guarantee
satisfaction and pay such prices? What
did they pay you for your cream?

Our new building costing $100,000.00
proves we treat the cream shipper
right. Ship today.

Sugar Creek Creamery Co.
Terre Haute, Ind.
September 10, 1917

Swimming Pool, Terre Haute

Swimming Pool, Terre Haute, Ind.

This unused linen-faced postcard has the printed text...

Pub. by Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind.
Made in U.S.A.

I have another copy of this postcard that was stamped in Terre Haute on December 14th.

Swimming Pool, Terre Haute

Swimming Pool, Terre Haute, Ind.

This unused postcard has the printed text...

Pub. by Levin Brothers., Terre Haute, Ind.
E. C. Kropp Co., stamp trade mark

The swimming pool was in Fairbanks Park. It developed a crack in the 1930's that couldn't be easily repaired and the pool was abandoned then filled in.

This page created 14th October 2008, last modified 22nd November 2009

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