Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Nov-2024 16:39 US Eastern Daylight Time
Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 1518195
Total Files 1268544
Total Pages 988471
Total Visits 124768
Total Transfer 36.9 GB
Total Unique Hosts 37461
Total Unique URLs 38940
Total Unique Referrers 48663
Total Unique User Agents 6043
Hourly/Daily Totals Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2040 77256
Hits per Day 48974 634373
Hits per Visit 12 616524
Files per Day 40920 522834
Files per Visit 10 506286
Pages per Day 31886 580542
Pages per Visit 7 574056
Visits per Day 4024 6884
Visit Duration 3.81 25935.57
Transfer per Day 1.2 GB 10.2 GB
Transfer per Visit 310.1 KB 4.5 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1268373
Code 206 - Partial Content 171
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 39094
Code 304 - Not Modified 3504
Code 400 - Bad Request 31563
Code 403 - Forbidden 35517
Code 404 - Not Found 139626
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 143
Code 413 - Request Entity Too Large 8
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 19
Code 501 - Not Implemented 177

Visitors are identified by IP addresses. Two or more visitors sharing the same IP address (e.g. firewall address) will be counted as a single visitor.

Daily usage for May 2024

Pages - document requests (e.g. html, asp, txt); Files - successful requests of all types (e.g. html, gif, css); Hits - all requests, including errors;

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Hosts Transfer
Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max
1 18613 1.23% 776 1892 14064 1.11% 586 944 4890 0.49% 204 504 4894 3.92% 204 419 2495 6.66% 104 186 467.2 MB 1.24% 19.5 MB 41.3 MB
2 20341 1.34% 848 1398 17727 1.40% 739 1143 7761 0.79% 323 633 6846 5.49% 285 445 2425 6.47% 67 97 550.4 MB 1.46% 22.9 MB 60.7 MB
3 16473 1.09% 686 1513 13646 1.08% 569 1075 4133 0.42% 172 866 5305 4.25% 221 252 2406 6.42% 61 119 351.4 MB 0.93% 14.6 MB 25.5 MB
4 14599 0.96% 608 1120 12551 0.99% 523 855 2944 0.30% 123 241 5210 4.18% 217 294 2165 5.78% 48 78 349.8 MB 0.93% 14.6 MB 25.4 MB
5 15126 1.00% 630 1157 13478 1.06% 562 963 3504 0.35% 146 512 5171 4.14% 215 253 2150 5.74% 46 71 359.6 MB 0.95% 15 MB 33.2 MB
6 18542 1.22% 773 1437 15997 1.26% 667 1411 3790 0.38% 158 336 4871 3.90% 203 254 2229 5.95% 49 70 437.6 MB 1.16% 18.2 MB 73.6 MB
7 19117 1.26% 797 1941 16361 1.29% 682 1267 2998 0.30% 125 242 3855 3.09% 161 195 1962 5.24% 46 64 337.2 MB 0.89% 14 MB 62.3 MB
8 16969 1.12% 707 1312 16281 1.28% 678 1247 3850 0.39% 160 416 4305 3.45% 179 227 2221 5.93% 53 81 422.9 MB 1.12% 17.6 MB 26.3 MB
9 27895 1.84% 1162 3456 26719 2.11% 1113 3430 15399 1.56% 642 2836 4434 3.55% 185 257 2181 5.82% 54 120 446.6 MB 1.18% 18.6 MB 30.4 MB
10 634373 41.78% 26432 77256 522834 41.22% 21785 73179 580542 58.73% 24189 76153 3425 2.75% 143 168 2081 5.56% 46 76 3.3 GB 8.98% 141.3 MB 500.7 MB
11 16557 1.09% 690 1114 14873 1.17% 620 1075 6125 0.62% 255 585 3540 2.84% 148 186 2054 5.48% 51 74 345 MB 0.91% 14.4 MB 22.4 MB
12 22744 1.50% 948 1858 19502 1.54% 813 1611 10783 1.09% 449 1450 3785 3.03% 158 179 2188 5.84% 47 63 1.1 GB 3.10% 48.9 MB 295.7 MB
13 15748 1.04% 829 1562 11053 0.87% 582 877 2806 0.28% 148 230 3278 2.63% 173 271 2161 5.77% 55 108 373.6 MB 0.99% 19.7 MB 43 MB
14 16890 1.11% 704 1154 15312 1.21% 638 1125 5280 0.53% 220 288 5127 4.11% 214 259 2760 7.37% 63 91 4.8 GB 12.95% 203.8 MB 1.4 GB
15 22966 1.51% 957 2876 15301 1.21% 638 859 5782 0.58% 241 373 5266 4.22% 219 313 2962 7.91% 61 89 2 GB 5.30% 83.4 MB 1.3 GB
16 33533 2.21% 1397 6979 25353 2.00% 1056 5291 11764 1.19% 490 3165 3530 2.83% 147 326 2647 7.07% 49 77 2.6 GB 7.02% 110.4 MB 1.7 GB
17 41150 2.71% 1715 7084 33893 2.67% 1412 5062 14934 1.51% 622 3113 4095 3.28% 171 331 2669 7.12% 53 100 10.2 GB 27.56% 433.8 MB 2.9 GB
18 31617 2.08% 1317 3030 27692 2.18% 1154 2842 6905 0.70% 288 557 3260 2.61% 136 202 2482 6.63% 58 108 980.4 MB 2.60% 40.9 MB 208.6 MB
19 40698 2.68% 1696 2502 35194 2.77% 1466 2420 13864 1.40% 578 908 3230 2.59% 135 158 2367 6.32% 55 72 1.8 GB 4.92% 77.5 MB 374.3 MB
20 24362 1.60% 1015 1728 19601 1.55% 817 1135 5991 0.61% 250 604 4270 3.42% 178 345 2820 7.53% 64 132 657.5 MB 1.74% 27.4 MB 56.5 MB
21 19360 1.28% 807 1089 17558 1.38% 732 1006 3925 0.40% 164 280 4285 3.43% 179 355 2750 7.34% 55 92 465.5 MB 1.23% 19.4 MB 48 MB
22 19523 1.29% 813 1264 18546 1.46% 773 1225 3527 0.36% 147 330 4373 3.50% 182 292 2031 5.42% 42 75 397.1 MB 1.05% 16.5 MB 44.8 MB
23 14183 0.93% 591 1025 13610 1.07% 567 996 2941 0.30% 123 175 2719 2.18% 113 170 1790 4.78% 32 50 302.8 MB 0.80% 12.6 MB 22.3 MB
24 286058 18.84% 11919 67814 228515 18.01% 9521 62969 236301 23.91% 9846 66433 6884 5.52% 287 354 1991 5.31% 34 50 1.9 GB 5.16% 81.2 MB 368.1 MB
25 14583 0.96% 608 1278 13251 1.04% 552 1205 4859 0.49% 202 515 3264 2.62% 136 176 1938 5.17% 32 43 269.2 MB 0.71% 11.2 MB 42.6 MB
26 15043 0.99% 627 1078 13886 1.09% 579 999 3562 0.36% 148 370 2465 1.98% 103 141 1785 4.76% 39 61 261.6 MB 0.69% 10.9 MB 33.6 MB
27 13167 0.87% 549 848 11699 0.92% 487 833 3900 0.39% 163 403 2676 2.14% 112 167 1709 4.56% 37 50 286 MB 0.76% 11.9 MB 18 MB
28 13203 0.87% 550 1325 12534 0.99% 522 1274 3448 0.35% 144 256 2360 1.89% 98 120 1704 4.55% 38 58 303.5 MB 0.80% 12.6 MB 25.1 MB
29 19180 1.26% 799 2340 18402 1.45% 767 2311 4000 0.40% 167 496 2470 1.98% 103 144 1808 4.83% 38 60 362.9 MB 0.96% 15.1 MB 43.3 MB
30 19428 1.28% 810 1480 18768 1.48% 782 1458 3622 0.37% 151 269 2643 2.12% 110 184 1992 5.32% 41 68 314.9 MB 0.83% 13.1 MB 29.9 MB
31 16154 1.06% 673 1486 14343 1.13% 598 1399 4341 0.44% 181 670 2932 2.35% 122 555 2237 5.97% 54 441 407.2 MB 1.08% 17 MB 38 MB
Hourly usage for May 2024
Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages Transfer
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 917 28433 1.87% 767 23796 1.88% 308 9565 0.97% 126.8 MB 3.8 GB 10.41%
1 870 26988 1.78% 656 20364 1.61% 280 8690 0.88% 69.6 MB 2.1 GB 5.71%
2 899 27874 1.84% 723 22432 1.77% 286 8866 0.90% 67.7 MB 2 GB 5.55%
3 1123 34834 2.29% 884 27429 2.16% 457 14194 1.44% 23.5 MB 729.2 MB 1.93%
4 1059 32837 2.16% 958 29709 2.34% 296 9198 0.93% 35.8 MB 1.1 GB 2.94%
5 857 26595 1.75% 774 23998 1.89% 299 9292 0.94% 32 MB 991.2 MB 2.62%
6 1603 49696 3.27% 891 27650 2.18% 637 19770 2.00% 39.6 MB 1.2 GB 3.25%
7 3846 119246 7.85% 2625 81382 6.42% 2703 83799 8.48% 41.4 MB 1.3 GB 3.40%
8 4580 141981 9.35% 3731 115663 9.12% 3749 116233 11.76% 39.3 MB 1.2 GB 3.22%
9 4917 152432 10.04% 4335 134411 10.60% 4045 125413 12.69% 35 MB 1.1 GB 2.88%
10 4873 151071 9.95% 4445 137819 10.86% 4061 125921 12.74% 46.8 MB 1.4 GB 3.84%
11 4558 141314 9.31% 4089 126788 9.99% 3831 118767 12.02% 79.4 MB 2.4 GB 6.51%
12 3216 99726 6.57% 3013 93428 7.36% 2628 81481 8.24% 66.8 MB 2 GB 5.48%
13 3279 101672 6.70% 3002 93076 7.34% 2606 80796 8.17% 66.9 MB 2 GB 5.49%
14 3072 95242 6.27% 2365 73331 5.78% 2367 73403 7.43% 32.8 MB 1018.3 MB 2.70%
15 1941 60171 3.96% 1132 35099 2.77% 1198 37153 3.76% 130.3 MB 3.9 GB 10.69%
16 1020 31633 2.08% 830 25738 2.03% 198 6139 0.62% 31.1 MB 964.5 MB 2.55%
17 955 29609 1.95% 823 25524 2.01% 198 6160 0.62% 19.4 MB 601.7 MB 1.59%
18 866 26862 1.77% 816 25312 2.00% 224 6953 0.70% 18.9 MB 586.2 MB 1.55%
19 840 26042 1.72% 765 23723 1.87% 227 7055 0.71% 63.1 MB 1.9 GB 5.18%
20 787 24397 1.61% 721 22376 1.76% 243 7563 0.77% 20.6 MB 638.3 MB 1.69%
21 946 29351 1.93% 857 26593 2.10% 313 9719 0.98% 25.1 MB 778.9 MB 2.06%
22 970 30075 1.98% 850 26377 2.08% 361 11195 1.13% 74 MB 2.2 GB 6.07%
23 971 30114 1.98% 855 26526 2.09% 359 11146 1.13% 32.5 MB 1007.4 MB 2.67%
Top 30 of 38940 Total URLs
# Hits Transfer Time URL
1 14226 0.94% 58.3 MB 0.15% 0.0000.000 /
2 10417 0.69% 54.8 MB 0.15% 0.0000.000 /utils/webrings.htm
3 8763 0.58% 29.9 MB 0.08% 0.0000.000
4 6635 0.44% 544.3 KB 0.00% 0.0000.000 /robots.txt
5 5485 0.36% 38.3 MB 0.10% 0.0000.000 /common/menu.htm
6 5142 0.34% 33.5 MB 0.09% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray.js
7 5084 0.33% 6.6 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /favicon.ico
8 4962 0.33% 7.6 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray2023-min.css
9 4267 0.28% 14.5 MB 0.04% 0.0000.000
10 4140 0.27% 91.4 MB 0.24% 0.0000.000 /misc/misc1.htm
11 3206 0.21% 8.5 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /th/
12 3049 0.20% 10.2 MB 0.03% 0.0000.000 /server-status
13 2821 0.19% 4.9 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /holidays/
14 2555 0.17% 10.5 MB 0.03% 0.0000.000 /computers/
15 2513 0.17% 23.3 MB 0.06% 0.0000.000 /bristol/
16 2284 0.15% 11.8 MB 0.03% 0.0000.000 /bizarre/
17 2254 0.15% 6.8 MB 0.02% 0.0000.000 /optill/oreal.htm
18 2223 0.15% 5.1 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /optill/believe1.htm
19 2062 0.14% 2.9 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /common/brisray2020-min.css
20 1948 0.13% 4.5 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /optill/oprete.htm
21 1943 0.13% 19.2 MB 0.05% 0.0000.000 /optill/
22 1903 0.13% 18.3 MB 0.05% 0.0000.000 /dad/
23 1789 0.12% 30.8 MB 0.08% 0.0000.000 /flood/
24 1758 0.12% 25.6 MB 0.07% 0.0000.000 /sitemap.htm
25 1741 0.11% 9.5 MB 0.03% 0.0000.000 /web/
26 1729 0.11% 4.2 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /optill/believe2.htm
27 1729 0.11% 4 MB 0.01% 0.0000.000 /optill/believe3.htm
28 1718 0.11% 28.4 MB 0.08% 0.0000.000 /utils/about.htm
29 1697 0.11% 50.4 MB 0.13% 0.0000.000 /common/jquery-3.4.1.min.js
30 1688 0.11% 35.8 MB 0.09% 0.0000.000 /common/jquery.fancybox3.min.js
Top 10 of 38940 Total URLs By Transfer
# Hits Transfer Time URL
1 4 0.00% 5.3 GB 14.30% 0.0000.000 /Test/kostyaanna2.mpg
2 3 0.00% 4 GB 10.72% 0.0000.000 /test/kostyaanna2.mpg
3 2 0.00% 2.6 GB 7.15% 0.0000.000 /TEST/kostyaanna2.mpg
4 1 0.00% 1.3 GB 3.57% 0.0000.000 //test//kostyaanna2.mpg
5 1 0.00% 1.3 GB 3.57% 0.0000.000 //test/kostyaanna2.mpg
6 2 0.00% 482.2 MB 1.28% 0.0000.000 /isu/cimt543-ICE.mp4
7 14 0.00% 337.2 MB 0.89% 0.0000.000 /test/vdnkh/vdnkn010 - Salut - Soyuz.tif
8 48 0.00% 197.4 MB 0.52% 0.0000.000 /qbasic/
9 6 0.00% 178.2 MB 0.47% 0.0000.000 /ace/writing/isu/The United Kingdom.pptx
10 5 0.00% 148.5 MB 0.39% 0.0000.000 /isu/The United Kingdom.pptx
Top 10 of 8503 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 14226 0.94% 8751 16.43% /
2 1066 0.07% 1007 1.89% /WEB/awstats.htm
3 1327 0.09% 996 1.87% /web/webring-list.htm
4 1718 0.11% 980 1.84% /utils/about.htm
5 1240 0.08% 734 1.38% /google-charts/clickable.htm
6 1542 0.10% 602 1.13% /web/awstats.htm
7 5485 0.36% 584 1.10% /common/menu.htm
8 10417 0.69% 570 1.07% /utils/webrings.htm
9 1337 0.09% 443 0.83% /optill/thisthat.htm
10 1446 0.10% 392 0.74% /utils/contact.htm
Top 10 of 8448 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 14226 0.94% 8541 16.04% /
2 5485 0.36% 1399 2.63% /common/menu.htm
3 1327 0.09% 976 1.83% /web/webring-list.htm
4 882 0.06% 820 1.54% /WEB/qualtrics-date-picker.htm
5 1718 0.11% 816 1.53% /utils/about.htm
6 872 0.06% 753 1.41% /web/qualtrics-date-picker.htm
7 717 0.05% 649 1.22% /google-charts/tablelinks.htm
8 10417 0.69% 572 1.07% /utils/webrings.htm
9 1446 0.10% 411 0.77% /utils/contact.htm
10 1337 0.09% 407 0.76% /optill/thisthat.htm
Top 20 of 37840 Errors
# Hits Status Method URL
1 9141 0.60% 400 GETfoobar://
2 4432 0.29% 404 GET
3 4412 0.29% 400 GETfile://
4 4408 0.29% 400 GETgopher://
5 4404 0.29% 400 GET
6 4368 0.29% 400 GETjavascript://
7 4302 0.28% 400 GETdata://
8 1029 0.07% 404 GET/maps
9 851 0.06% 403 GET/th/d34dbeef*~1*/a.aspx
10 847 0.06% 403 GET/th/*~1*/a.aspx'
11 847 0.06% 404 GET/thpostcards.gif
12 778 0.05% 404 GET/holidays/wstates1995/wind.htm
13 628 0.04% 404 GET/file.php/
14 620 0.04% 404 GET/bin/xcount
15 616 0.04% 404 GET/j/collect
16 611 0.04% 404 GET/afs/ads/i/iframe.html
17 590 0.04% 404 GET/bristol.gif
18 504 0.03% 404 GET/chart.html
19 491 0.03% 404 GET/wp-login.php
20 464 0.03% 403 GET/bristol/*~1*/a.aspx'
Top 30 of 37461 Total Hosts
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Duration Host
1 884776 58.28% 717956 56.60% 807484 81.69% 4.4 GB 12.05% 2 0.00% 636.38 738.27
2 15752 1.04% 15092 1.19% 9310 0.94% 2.7 GB 7.40% 213 0.17% 96.06 3266.28
3 11888 0.78% 11881 0.94% 11885 1.20% 76.4 MB 0.20% 6 0.00% 72.53 375.10
4 11242 0.74% 9618 0.76% 10546 1.07% 5.5 GB 15.02% 16 0.01% 343.98 2375.77
5 10889 0.72% 9699 0.76% 1654 0.17% 133.5 MB 0.35% 72 0.06% 34.51 407.25
6 8778 0.58% 8778 0.69% 8778 0.89% 44.2 MB 0.12% 2 0.00% 22119.63 25935.57
7 8304 0.55% 8304 0.65% 350 0.04% 384.1 MB 1.02% 350 0.28% 0.01 0.02
8 6758 0.45% 6075 0.48% 6740 0.68% 831.5 MB 2.20% 2 0.00% 169.93 332.78
9 2579 0.17% 1919 0.15% 1524 0.15% 42.2 MB 0.11% 215 0.17% 68.95 845.97
10 2203 0.15% 1620 0.13% 1414 0.14% 35.7 MB 0.09% 232 0.19% 60.25 583.85
11 2185 0.14% 1745 0.14% 1130 0.11% 181.1 MB 0.48% 6 0.00% 0.72 4.27
12 2147 0.14% 2147 0.17% 83 0.01% 100.2 MB 0.27% 82 0.07% 0.14 10.90
13 2119 0.14% 1660 0.13% 1057 0.11% 117.9 MB 0.31% 17 0.01% 0.20 3.03
14 1998 0.13% 1548 0.12% 934 0.09% 1.7 GB 4.68% 8 0.01% 3.27 21.98
15 1981 0.13% 1530 0.12% 964 0.10% 94.5 MB 0.25% 16 0.01% 0.88 10.90
16 1954 0.13% 1449 0.11% 1253 0.13% 23.4 MB 0.06% 234 0.19% 59.05 1009.60
17 1952 0.13% 1517 0.12% 929 0.09% 1.4 GB 3.77% 13 0.01% 0.23 2.93
18 1949 0.13% 1523 0.12% 970 0.10% 164.3 MB 0.43% 9 0.01% 0.41 3.63
19 1949 0.13% 1497 0.12% 971 0.10% 82.8 MB 0.22% 11 0.01% 4.10 25.07
20 1942 0.13% 1532 0.12% 952 0.10% 1.4 GB 3.92% 14 0.01% 1.62 19.27
21 1939 0.13% 1526 0.12% 973 0.10% 101.8 MB 0.27% 8 0.01% 0.41 3.27
22 1939 0.13% 1545 0.12% 924 0.09% 83.1 MB 0.22% 13 0.01% 1.02 10.40
23 1937 0.13% 1495 0.12% 967 0.10% 64.6 MB 0.17% 12 0.01% 1.55 15.58
24 1934 0.13% 1504 0.12% 971 0.10% 1.4 GB 3.71% 4 0.00% 0.79 3.15
25 1924 0.13% 1511 0.12% 934 0.09% 105.4 MB 0.28% 12 0.01% 0.24 2.88
26 1901 0.13% 1498 0.12% 928 0.09% 75.9 MB 0.20% 10 0.01% 0.33 3.33
27 1884 0.12% 3 0.00% 0 0.00% 7.9 MB 0.02% 7 0.01% 160.94 280.77
28 1876 0.12% 1876 0.15% 76 0.01% 87.6 MB 0.23% 76 0.06% 0.01 0.02
29 1843 0.12% 1843 0.15% 75 0.01% 86.6 MB 0.23% 75 0.06% 0.01 0.02
30 1831 0.12% 1411 0.11% 930 0.09% 72.8 MB 0.19% 9 0.01% 2.06 15.60
Top 10 of 37461 Total Hosts By Transfer
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Duration Host
1 11242 0.74% 9618 0.76% 10546 1.07% 5.5 GB 15.02% 16 0.01% 343.98 2375.77
2 884776 58.28% 717956 56.60% 807484 81.69% 4.4 GB 12.05% 2 0.00% 636.38 738.27
3 15752 1.04% 15092 1.19% 9310 0.94% 2.7 GB 7.40% 213 0.17% 96.06 3266.28
4 1998 0.13% 1548 0.12% 934 0.09% 1.7 GB 4.68% 8 0.01% 3.27 21.98
5 1942 0.13% 1532 0.12% 952 0.10% 1.4 GB 3.92% 14 0.01% 1.62 19.27
6 1952 0.13% 1517 0.12% 929 0.09% 1.4 GB 3.77% 13 0.01% 0.23 2.93
7 1934 0.13% 1504 0.12% 971 0.10% 1.4 GB 3.71% 4 0.00% 0.79 3.15
8 21 0.00% 21 0.00% 13 0.00% 1.3 GB 3.58% 9 0.01% 6.65 21.53
9 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 2 0.00% 1.3 GB 3.58% 6 0.00% 0.00 0.00
10 10 0.00% 8 0.00% 3 0.00% 1.3 GB 3.57% 8 0.01% 0.42 3.38
Top 30 of 48663 Total Referrers
# Hits Visits Referrer
1 408248 26.89% 71732 57.49% -
2 72469 4.77% 4555 3.65%
3 32087 2.11% 7 0.01%
4 29507 1.94% 364 0.29%
5 24326 1.60% 22 0.02%
6 20297 1.34% 0 0.00%
7 14857 0.98% 40 0.03%
8 14293 0.94% 2 0.00%
9 12615 0.83% 4 0.00%
10 11033 0.73% 0 0.00%
11 10552 0.70% 51 0.04%
12 7479 0.49% 0 0.00%
13 7246 0.48% 28 0.02%
14 7193 0.47% 0 0.00%
15 7156 0.47% 0 0.00%
16 6962 0.46% 10 0.01%
17 6797 0.45% 5 0.00%
18 6117 0.40% 5044 4.04%
19 6015 0.40% 5 0.00%
20 5747 0.38% 3 0.00%
21 5618 0.37% 11 0.01%
22 5152 0.34% 6 0.00%
23 4606 0.30% 6 0.00%
24 4475 0.29% 3 0.00%
25 4389 0.29% 6 0.00%
26 4118 0.27% 0 0.00%
27 3997 0.26% 17 0.01%
28 3995 0.26% 0 0.00%
29 3722 0.25% 79 0.06%
30 3663 0.24% 0 0.00%
Top 20 of 211 Total Search Strings
# Hits Visits Search String
1 14 4.47% 1 0.00% gibault school for boys terre haute in
2 13 4.15% 1 0.00% gibault school
3 9 2.88% 2 0.00% history of ft. wayne and portage to the wabash river
4 7 2.24% 1 0.00% gibault school for boys
5 6 1.92% 0 0.00% terre haute history
6 6 1.92% 1 0.00% terre haute 1940's
7 5 1.60% 1 0.00% paris en 1980
8 5 1.60% 1 0.00% terre haute ymca
9 5 1.60% 5 0.00% indiana time zone
10 4 1.28% 1 0.00% bristl, wi
11 4 1.28% 2 0.00% peru indiana
12 4 1.28% 4 0.00% uk map
13 4 1.28% 4 0.00%
14 3 0.96% 1 0.00% st. mary-of-the-woods college in
15 3 0.96% 1 0.00% ohio boulevard restoration project
16 3 0.96% 2 0.00%
17 2 0.64% 1 0.00% indiana state university terre haute indiana
18 2 0.64% 1 0.00% bristol satellite map
19 2 0.64% 0 0.00% columbian enameling terre haute ww1 soldiers photos
20 2 0.64% 1 0.00% highland iron and steel and columbian enameling, terre haute
Top 15 of 6043 Total User Agents
# Hits Transfer Visits User Agent
1 100123 6.59% 13.3 GB 36.11% 50877 40.78% Mozilla/5.0; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
2 34862 2.30% 1.6 GB 4.23% 6377 5.11% Mozilla/5.0; Linux; Android 5.0; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Mobile Safari/537.36; compatible; Bytespider;
3 64295 4.23% 222.4 MB 0.59% 5506 4.41% Mozilla/5.0; compatible; Bytespider;; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
4 7077 0.47% 62.9 MB 0.17% 4847 3.88% Mozilla/5.0; compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
5 6112 0.40% 116.6 MB 0.31% 4222 3.38% Mozilla/5.0; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; +; Chrome/116.0.1938.76; Safari/537.36
6 4611 0.30% 146.7 MB 0.39% 3934 3.15% facebookexternalhit/1.1; +
7 5913 0.39% 104.6 MB 0.28% 2787 2.23% Mozilla/5.0; Linux; Android 7.0; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Mobile Safari/537.36; compatible; PetalBot; +
8 41204 2.71% 183.5 MB 0.49% 1723 1.38% Python/3.8; aiohttp/3.9.5
9 2305 0.15% 16.4 MB 0.04% 1659 1.33% Mozilla/5.0; Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7; AppleWebKit/605.1.15; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/17.4; Safari/605.1.15; Applebot/0.1; +
10 22840 1.50% 564.9 MB 1.50% 1521 1.22% Mozilla/5.0; Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
11 1682 0.11% 42.3 MB 0.11% 1506 1.21% Sogou web spider/4.0; +
12 5070 0.33% 195.6 MB 0.52% 1357 1.09% Mozilla/5.0; X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:72.0; Gecko/20100101; Firefox/72.0
13 13727 0.90% 403.6 MB 1.07% 1197 0.96% Mozilla/5.0; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_4_1 like Mac OS X; AppleWebKit/605.1.15; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/17.4.1; Mobile/15E148; Safari/604.1
14 1551 0.10% 6.8 MB 0.02% 978 0.78% Mozilla/5.0; compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
15 1847 0.12% 13.3 MB 0.04% 873 0.70% Mozilla/5.0; compatible; Pinterestbot/1.0; +