Indie Web Directories


The commercial web is incredibly useful, but for pleasure I like looking at websites like mine, produced by people having their say, and writing about what they are interested in. The major search engines are more interested in sites that are optimized for SEO, and those are usually commerical. I don't think they purposely ignore the smaller, personal, independent websites, it's just that they are so far down in the search results they rarely get visitors from them.

I have already written about search engines that are built to help find these sites and about webrings. When I wrote the list of webrings, I purposely left out sites that I did not think were true webrings but were instead directory listings. In September 2024, I had a look around at what directory listings were available and was a little disappointed in what I found. Nearly all of them are categorized lists of commerical sites.

I know there are listings of the sites I am interested in, so I did a deeper search and this page is the result of what I have found. This is not a comprehensive list of all the directories, but it does include those that I found useful or interesting.

The 32bit Cafe and Melonland forums are great for seeing what other people are up to.

Small, Personal, Non-commercial Web Directories

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Like the webring list page this page uses a publically readable Google Sheet to produce the table of directories.

If you have your own list, or know of one that you think should be included, please contact me.