Webring Statistics


By December 2023, I had been collecting information about the "new" webrings for around a year. In December 2023, I thought I had enough information to put some of this on a page to show how they are doing as a group.

This page cannot be classed as definitive as I rely on what the rings themselves publish and some do not publish their member lists at all, so at best is is only a web survey.

Another problem with these lists is that they depend on me finding the webrings. I think I have now found them all, but I cannot be sure.

Significant Dates

After September 2023, I tidied up the data and removed some "webrings" that were not webrings at all. For example fanlisting or clique lists that required a logo on the member pages but which all linked back to the listing main page without actually being able to navigate through the webrings with a "next" or "previous" link. Some of these removed listings were very large, hence the dramatic drop in the number of particpating sites between September and October 2023.

In January 2024, Hotline Webring stopped taking new members for an indeterminate time. At the time it had 731 members, hence the drop in the number of webring participating sites in January 2024.

In June 2024, Neorings disappeared. In May 2024, the system had 21 webrings, those disappeared along with the main site.

The Number of Webrings

Some of the graph options below are meaningless!

The Number of Webring Participants

This graph shows the total number of sites that are member of the webrings. Like mine, some sites may belong to multiple webrings, so the number is not unique.

Some of the graph options below are meaningless!

New Webring Members

When I do a roughly monthly check of the webrings, I also take a look at how many members they have added each month. This chart is just a rough guide as some webrings are going to be far more open to new members than others that are more specialized.

Now and again members leave the ring or the ringmaster removes them, hence the negative numbers that sometimes appear.