The information on this page has been tested using Chrome (134.0.6998.119), Edge (134.0.3124.85), Firefox (136.0.4), and Opera (117.0.5408.93).
Full Page Screenshots
Probably almost everyone knows how to capture the screen, window, or section using the PrtScr button, but what to do if you want to capture a full webpage?

The difference between print screen and capture full page
Don't let the relative sizes of the image captures in the above image fool you. The print screen image is saved at 1358 x 630 pixels, the full page capture is saved at 1312 x 2159 pixels.
The full page capture can be made using Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera and probably many other browsers.
Print to PDF
To save a web page as a PDf file open the print dialog box by right clicking on the page and choose "Print..." from the menu or press the Ctrl and P keys together.

Printing a web page
Once the print dialog box is open, choose "Save as PDF" from the print destination dropdown menu. You may have to set some settings such as landscape or portrait, and whether to print the background colours and images.

Saving a web page as a PDF
In Chrome, the Developer Tools need to be opened, this can be done by pressing the F12 key. Then press the Ctrl, Shift and P keys together to open the command prompt. This can also be done by clicking on the three vertical dot menu and choosing the "Run command" menu item.

Opening the Chrome Developer Tools command prompt
In the command prompt type:
capture full-size screenshot
The .png image created will be saved in the Downloads folder by Chrome.
In Edge, the full page capture can be opened by clicking on the three-dot menu, or right clicking anywhere on the page, and choosing "Screenshot" from the dropdown menu or by pressing the Ctrl, Shift and S keys together.

Edge's three-dot menu

Edge's screenshot capture dialog
Choose "Capture full page" from the dialog box that opens then save the file. Edge saves the image as a .jpeg in the Downloads folder.
In Firefox, the full page capture can be opened by right clicking anywhere on the page, and choosing "Take screenshot" from the dropdown menu or by pressing the Ctrl, Shift and S keys together.

Firefox's screenshot capture dialog
From the dialog screen that opens, choose the "Save full page". Firefox saves the image as a .png in the Downloads folder.
In Opera, the full page capture can be obtained by clicking on the camera icon in the top right of the screen or by pressing the Ctrl, Shift and 5 keys together.

Opening Opera's screenshot utility

Opera's screenshot utility
WWhen the utility opens, choose the "Capture full page" option. Opera saves the image as a .png in the Pictures/Screenshots folder.