Site Statistics Program Comparison

Analog, AWStats and Webalizer logs


I use several programs to check the web logs from the "Server in the Cellar". Even though they read the same logs I knew there were differences in the amount of traffic they report. This page was written to compare the results obtained by Analog, AWStats and Webalizer.

Analog and Webalizer show almost, but not quite, the same number of pages served, but Analog shows a lower number of requests made to the server. AWStatsshows significantly less than both the other programs.

The reason for this difference is that AWStats records the amount of traffic caused by bots differently than the other programs. This traffic is recorded separately, as seen in the following screenshot:

AWStats monthly report

AWStats monthly report

Pages - document requests (e.g. html, asp, txt); Files - successful requests of all types (e.g. html, gif, css); Hits - all requests, including errors;

Sources & Resources

Comparison table of the features offered by Analog, AWStats, and Webalizer
Free Web Log Analysers and Web Statistics (The Free Country)
List of web analytics software (Wikipedia)
Overview of Web Site Traffic Analysis Tools (PlanetMike) - Reviews of several "old-school" web log analyzers by Mike Clark
Top Free Web Analytics Software (Pat Research) - Reviews of several "old-school" web log analyzers
Web analytics (Wikipedia)